Communications Infrastructure Committee

DATE: April 5th, 2006

Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Charlie Montgomery, Don Stevens, Rob Sinklair

Others Present: Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Richard Meister, Ellis McFadzen, Dena Weinke, Dylan Oliver, Joel Gaalswyk, Brian Bridgeford, Vicki Terpstra, Randy Stammen

  1. Meeting called to order by Chair Bychinski at 7:30 a.m. certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt agenda: Motion by Montgomery, second by Stevens to adopt agenda.
  3. Adopt minutes: Motion by Hartje, second by Montgomery to approve minutes of last meeting.
  4. Public Comment: None
  5. Communications: None
  6. Business Items:

    Update on Fiber Optics: Ellis McFadzen was present to advise the committee on the fiber construction schedule and handed out an update. Tim noted we are still waiting for the DC power equipment for the tower sites which is needed for the fiber equipment.

    Hillpoint: Tim noted that most everything was at the site and Highway would be cleaning up the site this week and doing final grading.

    Merrimac; Happy Hill; Lake Delton; Hemlock; Sauk City; Courthouse; Nothing new to report.

    Spring Green: Highway Department will be starting on the driveway next week and then we can get the soil boring completed.

    Discussion on High Speed broadband: County Board Supervisor Joel Gaalswyk, spoke to the committee about the need for providing high speed wireless broadband internet service in his district.

    Dylan Oliver noted he is working towards providing high speed wireless broadband internet service and needs to know what the county fees will be for tower space and fiber.

    Vicki Terpstra noted that she is with the Pineland Community Association and would like to see high speed wireless internet service as wireline providers are not providing this service.

    Committee asked that Tim put together a draft for the next meeting of what we would charge, what is available, etc.

    City of Baraboo interest in Fiber Optics: Tim noted that he had further discussion with the City of Baraboo about their interest in possibly leasing some of our fiber and/or duct. Tim handed out some cost that Ellis had put together as it relates to what they would lease/need. City will let us know after a meeting on April 11th. Move by Hartje, second by Stevens that we move forward with the City. Carried.

  7. Next Regular Meeting: May 3rd, 2006 at 7:30 a.m. at the Courthouse EMBS Meeting Room.
  8. Adjourn: Move to adjourn by Stevens, second by Hartje.

Submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, April 12th, 2006