Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Charlie Montgomery, Don Stevens, Rob Sinklair
Others Present: Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Richard Meister
Update on Fiber Optics: A report from Ellis McFadzen was presented to the Committee on the fiber construction. Tim noted we now have the Courthouse, LEC and Lake Delton Fiber Nodes installed and running. Next in line is Reedsburg and Happy Hill. These two sites will need to be done somewhat at the same time as the Reedsburg Tower communications shelter needs to be gutted and the fiber and filtering installed, and then must be able to communicate with both Happy Hill and the Courthouse. This will most likely take several weeks to complete the final prep work and then the switch will be planned. We will need to take the Reedsburg site, radios and all, completely off line for a day or two so this will have to be coordinated with dispatch and may need to take place on a Sunday or slower day.
Hillpoint: All equipment has been delivered to this site and the site work and fencing is complete. This site will be worked on as soon as the Happy Hill Reedsburg switch over is completed.
Merrimac; Happy Hill; Lake Delton; Hemlock; Sauk City; Courthouse; Nothing new to report.
Spring Green: Highway Department has completed the driveway and the clearing of the site, Ramakers has completed the soil borings. We are waiting for Sabre to provide the engineering on the tower so that we can bid the construction.
Review draft of Tower Space leasing: Tim passed out a draft copy of the boiler plate lease. Tim noted that the standard lease would be for a minimum five years plus one renewal for five years. It was discussed that less time could cause loss of revenue along with other issues. It was noted that longer would not be a problem. Tim noted that he would like to have a booklet drafted, most likely for the July Committee meeting, which would include the standard lease, a lease that addresses fiber and conduit infrastructure, individual "tabs" for each tower site as far as the tower space and what each tower is engineered for, what spaces are available and a cover letter that would explain what the County will require/need from all prospective co-locators. Stevens suggested that instead of a five year contract, that we impose a minimum of a five year fee.
Submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, May 10th, 2006