Local Emergency Management Directors Committee

DATE: May 25, 2006

Directors/Alternates Present: County, Corene Ederer-Sklar, Cynthia EngelhardtKevin Stieve, City Baraboo; Lisa McGlynn, Vil Lime Ridge; Larry Volz, Town Delton; Bryan Schwarz, Vil North Freedom; Harold Dallman, Town of Freedom; Nick Fluguar, Ho-Chunk Nation; Matt Anliker, Vil Spring Green;Dennis Kluge, City Baraboo;Kay Bainbridge, Baraboo Township; Benny Stenner, Town Spring Green

Directors Absent: Jim Rohweder, Vil LaValle; Tim Stone, Town of Fairfield; Andrew Sherman, Vil Prairie du Sac; Bob DeMars, Vil West Baraboo; Nils Richardson, Vil Spring Green; John Ruhland, Vil Plain; Michael Rogers, Vil Sauk City; Bret Anderson, City Wisconsin Dells;Al Shanks, Vil Merrimac;Andrew Arneson, Town Washington/Hillpoint; Scott Zirzow. Town Fairfield; Lori Knadle, City of Reedsburg;Darlene Hill, Town BarabooEarl Clark, Vil Rock Springs; Tom Dorner, Vil Lake Delton; Bill Fuhrman, Vil Loganville

Communities without representation: Ironton

Meeting called to order by County EM Director, Corene Sklar in EMBS meeting room

Hospital and/or Health Consortium

A tabletop exercise between the hospital consortium and lead by Dane EM and Sauk EM, will take place on June 2.

A workgroup has developed initial protocols for tracking patients from field to hospital, then to other facilities.

They are working on communications interoperability in a disaster situation.

Information on pandemic flu has been sent out. Sauk Emergency Management also has information on their display table at the Courthouse.

Plans are in place to help treat a large increase in people during a pandemic.

State Regional Meeting

Regional planning has started with the focus on evacuation and special needs sheltering. Milwaukee is the "planning city" for drafting these plans. Shelters need to be checked on and updated.

County Information

Esponder - this database allows counties to share information.If you wish to be a new user, go to

Www.wiesponder.com. It will prompt you to enter a user id, password, etc. The resources for the State will eventually be added in.

We recently had a presentation by Paul McGraw, State Veterinarian, on the Avian Influenza and how the State would respond to an incident. Discussion took place on premise registration.

Our Interoperability Grant came through which allows fire and law to either replace or reprogram their radios.

Kevin Stieve talked about the problem of multiple types of tones that are used throughout the County, on the radios, the problems that arise because of this, and explained how the County's Communication Technician, Phil Raab would be able to implement one tone to all pagers for severe weather alerts, yet still have each town paged individually. He encouraged all local directors to assist in pushing for this with their responders.

Tower Update

We are still waiting for the DC power equipment for the tower sites which is needed for the fiber equipment. Most everything is at the Hillpoint site and Highway will be cleaning up and going final grading. Nothing new to report for Merrimac, Happy Hill, Lake Delton, LaValle, Sauk City and the Courthouse. Discussions have taken place on providing high speed wireless broadband internet service. The City of Baraboo has an interest in possibly leasing some of our fiber and/or duct.



Information Shared

This summer, farmers and ranchers will find it harder to buy ammonium nitrate, because of concerns that have originated from fears of terrorism. Ammonium nitrate can be used to make bombs.

The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued the Annual Greenhouse Gas Index, its benchmark measurement of gases in the atmosphere that affect the Earth's climate. This year's AGGI reflects an increase in carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, but a leveling off of methane, and a decline in two chorofluorocarbons. Overall, it shows a steady rise in the amount of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.

There is information on mutual aid communications frequency; if anyone would like a copy of this, please call Corene at 355-4410.


New training, IS703, is a new NIMS course on Managing Resources.

Emergency Operating Center, June 7-9, Madison

Incident Response to Terrorist Bombing - June 13-16, 20-23, 26-29, Madison

2006 Homeland Security School Crisis Preparedness, Administrator's Conference - June 19, Madison

Discussion took place on ICS training and Larry Volz suggested this training for the town chairs.

Local Reports

North Freedom recently had a tabletop exercise which went well.

Chief Kluge shared his experiences in Mississippi, where he went to help some of the victims from the hurricane in an area that completely lost its town. He stressed the importance of preparing.

The Ho-Chunk Nation will be having Public Information Officer training in September and he mentioned there is a cell phone and a computer service that one can order which will send weather warning notifications, for a nominal fee. Look up weather.com for more information.

NEXT MEETING: June 22, 2006 at 10:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt