Local Emergency Management Directors Committee

June 22, 2006

Directors/Alternates Present: County, Corene Ederer-Sklar,Larry Volz, Town Delton; Bryan Schwarz, Vil North Freedom; Matt Anliker, Vil Spring Green;Kay Bainbridge, Baraboo Township; Jerry Schmidt, Town Spring Green; Earl Clark, Vil Rock Springs; Tom Dorner, Vil Lake Delton; Bill Fuhrman, Vil Loganville; Andrew Arneson, Town Washington/Hillpoint

Directors Absent: Cynthia Engelhardt, County; Jim Rohweder, Vil LaValle; Tim Stone, Town of Fairfield; Andrew Sherman, Vil Prairie du Sac; Bob DeMars, Vil West Baraboo; Nils Richardson, Vil Spring Green; John Ruhland, Vil Plain; Michael Rogers, Vil Sauk City; Bret Anderson, City Wisconsin Dells;Al Shanks, Vil Merrimac;Scott Zirzow. Town Fairfield; Lori Curtis, City of Reedsburg;Darlene Hill, Town Baraboo; Kevin Stieve, City Baraboo; Lisa McGlynn, Vil Lime Ridge; Nick Fluguar, Ho-Chunk Nation; Harold Dallman, Town of Freedom; Dennis Kluge, City Baraboo

Communities without representation: Ironton

Meeting called to order by County EM Director, Corene Sklar in EMBS meeting room. Welcome to new Town of Spring Green Director, Jerry Schmidt. Introductions were performed.

Hospital and/or Health Consortium

Corene discussed the tabletop exercise on June 2 in Madison for Hospital personnel. The main object was to familiarize them with the duties of the Hospital Representative in an EOC setting. She also assisted the Health Department in an exercise with Clinics, Hospitals and EMS on how the Interim Pharmaceutical Stockpile will work. Areas found not addressed were Clinics do not have a plan and no one is addressing this, EMS had concerns on when they would be notified of a concern. It is now decided that both the hospital and Health Department will address this.

Hospitals are supposed to be doing Triage Tuesday to work on tracking patients. Not sure if County Hospitals are doing this or not.

State Regional Meeting

Brief discussion on some of the issues brought up at the State Level. Corene then handed out a memo and survey that is going to all municipalities and township. The local directors will get them and are asked to see that they get filled out. The State wants these back to the County EM Director by Sept. 1. Discussion followed on lack of training for Town Elected Officials. It was requested that County EM send a memo to the Towns offering to hold a NIMS training session and setting up a time (or more than one) to hold this for them. State now has an email address for questions related to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and NIMS compliance issues. That email address is wisnims@dma.state.wi.us

County Information

Corene passed around a Policy on the Evacuation of Healthcare Facilities advising that this is for all health care including CBRFs. A copy is available for those who would like one to make sure that these facilities are not being overlooked in the planning.

Evacuation plans were discussed. Information on a Bill in Congress titled Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (PETS Act) was passed around. The County has an agreement with the Humane Society to take care of pets in the event the families need to evacuate. Discussion followed on getting information to residents on what they would need to have on hand in the event of an evacuation, or if they were forced to leave their home because of damage from severe weather.

She also discussed some information sent by Rusty Kapella about Heat Awareness. Discussion of tornados and their paths again this summer followed.

Tower Update

Larry Volz said the Board approved the purchase of the tower and the resolution to erect the tower in Spring Green.


National Incident Management System Statement of Compliance, Wisconsin Emergency Management Training schedule Sept 2006 - December 2006.


September - December schedule passed around.

ICS 300 and ICS 400 will be offered in Dec. - Jan. in the County for those who need them. Directors wondered if they could sponsor a course in their communities. The answer is yes, if enough notice is given so Corene can apply for the grant money to cover the cost of the training. 15 people need to be guaranteed for the training. Those with specific questions can use the State email address to get answers.

Local Reports

Spring Green is having their arts and crafts this Weekend. Corene advised all present that anyone having an event that would have an unusually large number of people in the area can use the Command Post. Call the office to reserve it.

Loganville hopes to have their cell phone tower up by the end of November. They annexed the area in question to eliminate problems.

North Freedom talked about the maps and information that was made available during the drill. Corene advised that the person doing the Mapping now is very into the Emergency Management part of mapping and is coming up with some good information.

Communities wanting to do a drill should schedule a tentative date as soon as possible. Corene already has four scheduled for this fall.


NEXT MEETING: AUGUST 24, 2006 at 10:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Corene Ederer-Sklar