Executive and Legislative Committee
DATE: Tuesday, April 04, 2006
TIME: 9:00 A.M.
Room 213
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI
- Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
- Adopt Agenda.
- Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting.
- Public Comment.
- Communications.
- Tony Tyczynski, VSO
- Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
- Corene Ederer-Sklar, Emergency Management
- Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
- Bev Mielke, County Clerk
- Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
- Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel
- Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
- Consideration of goals and objectives for 2007
- Kathy Schauf, Interim Administrative Coordinator
- Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
- Consideration of goals and objectives for 2007.
- Consideration of a proclamation, Proclaiming April 23-29,
2006 National County
Government Week Protecting Our Communities in Sauk County.
- Consideration of a resolution rescinding 149-05,
and allowing multiple options for supervisory pay.
- Consideration of the Draft Rules of the Board; 21 March
2006 to consider committee input.
- Possible closed session pursuant
to Wisc. Stats. 19.85 (1) (c) Considering
employment, promotion, compensation or
performance evaluation data of any public
employee over which the [governmental]
body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
Clarification on the performance evaluation
of Corporation Counsel.
- Reconvene in open session.
- Adjourn
TO: County Clerk Corporation Counsel Montgomery Sprecher
Endres Wenzel Hartje Ederer-Sklar Stieve
DATE NOTICE MAILED: Wednesday, March 29, 2006
PREPARED BY: Office of Administrative Coordinator