Executive & Legislative Committee, Property & Insurance Committee, and Finance Committee

Members present: Al Dippel, Joan Fordham, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Tom Kriegl, Bill Wenzel, Kathy Zowin, Larry Volz, Marty Krueger, Charlie Montgomery, Halsey Sprecher, Paul Endres

Members absent: Virgil Hartje

Others present: Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, Carol Gasser, Tim Stieve, Ed Gieck, Karna Hanna, Andrea Lombard, Lowell Haugen, Dean Michael Brophy, Michael Bixby-student, Mark Paschen-President of Campus Foundation, Joe Wankerl, Phil Wedekind-Campus Commission Chairman, Merlin Zitzner, Todd Liebman, Mayor Pat Liston, Aural Umhoefer, Sandy Anderson, various members of the public and media

Chairman Wenzel called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Certification that the open meeting requirement was met. Motion by Bychinski, second by Dippel to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.

It was the consensus of the committee that Chairman Wenzel chair this joint committee.

Consideration of a resolution Creating Campus Living and Learning Center Development and Building Committee and Establishing a Framework for Proceeding with the Development of a Residence Hall / Learning Center at the University of Wisconsin-Baraboo/Sauk County College.

Merlin Zitzner began by describing the importance of the UW-Baraboo/Sauk County to the community. Dean Michael Brophy summarized the project, including the intent that no tax levy dollars be used for construction or operation.

The Baraboo City Council approved the project with a unanimous nine to zero vote so long as there is no monetary support, as updated by Mayor Pat Liston. There was concern about the City of Baraboo's participation in the project. There was general agreement that it is a worthwhile project, but some felt the City should participate financially as a half owner of the campus.

It is hoped significant outside funding will be found to fund construction. It is further hoped occupancy and fees charged will be such that ongoing operations will be self-supporting. These projections are based on similar facilities at Richland and Marathon Counties. If the operations end up not being self-supporting, it is likely the facility would revert to the City and County; however, this detail would need to be discussed and finalized.

If the County would need to bond for this project, the bonding would be structured such that the County's ability to bond for a health care facility should not be affected.

Motion by Bychinski, second by Endres to approve the resolution as drafted, release the $100,000 for planning already appropriated in the County's 2006 budget, and create a committee for design and planning.

Motion by Kriegl to postpone for a month to clarify the arrangement with the City. Motion fails for lack of a second.

Action on original motion to approve the resolution as drafted:

Executive & Legislative Committee: Aye: Wenzel, Sprecher, Endres. Naye: Montgomery. Absent: Hartje.
Property & Insurance Committee: Aye: Dippel, Zowin. Naye: Volz, Krueger. Absent: Hartje.
Finance Committee: Aye: Dippel, Fordham, Wenzel, Bychinski. Naye: Kriegl.

Motion carried.

Motion by Krueger, second by Endres to adjourn.
Motion carried.