Finance Committee

Members present: William F. Wenzel, Tom Kriegl, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Marty Krueger, Joan Fordham

Others present: Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, Larry Volz, Joel Gaalswyk, Art Carlson, Lowell Haugen, members of the media and public The special committee meeting was called to order by Chairman Bychinski at 6:00 pm, and certification of open meeting compliance was given.

The agenda was approved on a motion by Wenzel, second by Fordham, and a unanimous vote of the Committee. The Committee members introduced themselves.

Kathy Schauf, Interim Administrative Coordinator, opened by discussing Sauk County's budget process and historical population and equalized value increases. She also discussed the levy limits that are in place. Emphasized that taxes equal services. Projected revenues are not anticipated to increase much, if at all. Levy-funded expenses are expected to increase, with the exception of a decrease in debt service. In all, the 2006 budget will likely afford continuing operations, but there is not likely room for additional program growth.

Kriegl noted that the County, or any government, cannot grow out of property taxes.

Chairman Bychinski then entertained comments from those who wished to speak.

Martha Greco: Encouraged continued funding of rural libraries. Encouraged the Committee to look at the big picture.

Peter Murray, Friends of the Library: Encouraged the Committee to continue support of the libraries.

Richard MacDonald, Baraboo Librarian: Encouraged the Committee to continue support of the libraries.

Ben Stewart, Sauk County Democrats: It is the responsibility of the County to address homelessness in the County.

Patricia Zwettler: Encouraged the Committee to continue support of the libraries.

Tom Zwettler: Encouraged the Committee to continue support of the libraries.

Al Zipsie, Homeless Haven: Expressed need for funding of homeless shelters.

Betty Krueger, Homeless Haven: Homeless shelters in the area have been full, and funding is needed and being requested for a shelter.

Elwood Anderson: How does the County handle past mistakes and past expenditures?

Barbara McCormick: Encouraged the Committee to continue support of the libraries.

Chairman Bychinski looked forward to good planning and decisions being made about the future of the Health Care Center.

The Committee members expressed gratitude for the public input, and encouraged the public to continue their involvement.

Motion by Fordham, second by Krueger to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: William F. Wenzel, Finance Committee Secretary