Finance Committee

DATE: Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Room 213, West Square Building, Baraboo

Members present: Marty Krueger, Joan Fordham, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Tom Kriegl, Bill Wenzel
Others present: Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, Pat Carignan, Corene Ederer-Sklar, Chief Deputy Joe Prantner, Captain Richard Meister, Darin Carignan, Bonnie Konkel, Donna Mueller, Michelle Koehler, Terri Radke, Lowell Haugen, Paul Endres, media

Chairman Bychinski called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Certification of the open meeting requirement was met. Motion by Fordham, second by Kriegl to adopt the amended agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Fordham, second by Wenzel to approve the minutes from previous meetings with corrections.
Motion carried.

Public Comment




Business Items

Quarterly accounts receivable reports.

Darin Carignan described the types of accounts receivable the Highway department manages. The majority of receivables and revenues are from State and other government sources, and there is very little uncollected debt. Bonnie Konkel described the Home Care accounts receivable. The largest pay sources are Medicare and Medicaid. Payments from insurance companies generally take the longest to collect.

Consideration of resolution Approving the Acceptance and Disbursement of Homeland Security Interoperability Grant Funds.

Interoperability grants have been awarded to allow emergency responders to have better communication with one another. Thirteen agencies in Sauk County and Sauk County itself have been awarded a total of $127,818 to purchase or reprogram communications radios. In addition to amending the emergency management budget to allow for the pass-through of funds, the Sheriff's Department budget needs amendment to allow use of other funds for the County match portion of the grant. Motion by Krueger, second by Fordham to approve the resolution, including reallocation of the Sheriff's budget.
Motion carried.

Consider reallocation of Sheriff's Department 2006 budget for copier purchase.

A copier in the Sheriff's Department is in need of replacement. The dollars are not available in capital outlay, so the Department is asking to reallocate office supply dollars for purchase of a new copier for $9,900. Motion by Wenzel, second by Krueger to approve the budget reallocation.
Motion carried.

Update on Capital Improvements Team meeting.

The Team reviewed large capital requests expected over the coming ten years. Since the Team met, the simulator was approved by the County Board, so it was no longer needed in the capital improvement plan.

Discussion of 2007 budget.

Budgets were due to Accounting August 4, and there are no estimates yet of the total requests. Equalized values will be issued by the Department of Revenue August 15. A new form this year asks for departments to project their labor force needs for the coming five years. This should help better project its highest expenses and move the County another step closer to multi-year budgeting.

Discussion of interpreter needs.

The majority of interpretation need is in Spanish. Clerk of Courts costs for Spanish are approximately $40,568, of which the State will reimburse for indigent clients, making about 25 to 30 percent of this cost being reimbursed. The Department feels it would be less expensive to have an on-staff certified interpreter who could assist with other clerk duties. Staff will continue to review Countywide interpretation needs to better position itself to meet future needs as cost effectively as possible.

Review of Clerk of Courts 2007 Budget.

Donna Mueller and Terri Radke presented the Clerk of Courts 2007 budget request. Sauk Prairie, Spring Green and Reedsburg will have their own municipal courts in 2007. This results in a loss of revenue to the County. Increased revenues overall are a result of effective use of tax intercept; about three-fourths of one staff's time is spent on collections.

Treasurer's Report

Carignan updated the Committee on departmental activities. Since the July 31 property tax collection deadline, notices of delinquency have been sent to late payers. Acceptance of credit card payments for property taxes is now available, and Carignan will finalize its implementation. Motion by Fordham, second by Wenzel, to approve the payment of the Treasurer's invoices in the amount of $1,769.31.
Motion carried.

Accounting Department Report

Beghin updated the Committee on activities of the department for the past month, including upcoming projects and issues. Budgets are from departments being compiled and reviewed, and Health Care Center business operations are continuing with an emphasis on process documentation and standardization. Motion by Wenzel, second by Fordham to approve the payment of Accounting invoices in the amount of $7,090.00 and county invoices in the amount of $2,304,073.50.
Motion carried.

Motion by Fordham, second by Wenzel to adjourn. Motion carried. The next regular Finance Committee meeting will be September 14, 2006 during the September 13 through 15 budget review meetings.

Respectfully Submitted: William F. Wenzel, Secretary