Continuum of Care Planning Committee

DATE: May 9, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Alexander, Linda Borleske, Paul Endres, Joan Fordham, Lowell Haugen, Judith Stoeckmann

ABSENT: Al Dippel

OTHERS PRESENT: Bill Orth, Jeanne Leeck, Kathy Schauf, Trish Vandre, Tony Tyczynski

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.

Motion by Borleske, second by Stoeckmann to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.

Fordham asked that the minutes be amended with next meeting date changed to May 9.

Motion by Alexander, second by Haugen to approve the minutes with date change.
Motion carried.

Public comment. None.

Communication. None.

Continue discussion regarding goals and objectives.

Kathy reworded the first goal and changed some others as committee recommended. General discussion held regarding first goal and how to incorporate the idea of the necessity of operating a fiscally responsible facility. County services are not intended to supplant existing service streams offered within the county. This facility will provide a framework to fill a gap for those with no other resources, while remaining fiscally viable, as well as being an enhancement to the options available to Human Services. Goals from previous committee work were included for information only. Idea of "Social Capital" should be included in these discussions.

Timeline and Task List.

Kathy has rough time line for people the committee would like to hear from. The survey instrument is still being reviewed, and other individuals who have services that may be consistent with discussions by this committee will be scheduled to speak. Operational analysis was reviewed by Kathy and Jeanne.


Functional group update from Bill Orth. Group has not met since last meeting.

Discussed Aging and Disability Resource Center and whether or not this committee agrees that it would be a valuable item to include in future discussions. Need a physical location for the center with room for resource room, reception area and several staff people. Many positives to having the ADRC in the same location as the "Long Term Care Campus". Earliest it would need to be completed would be the end of 2007. Center has to be running 18 months before the Care Management Organization would begin.

Motion by Stoeckmann, second by Fordham to support the concept of including the Aging and Disability Resource Center in the plan for the Continuum of Care in Sauk County.

Meals for the elderly were discussed by Trish. Commission on Aging has contracts with the caterer who provides (general diet) meals for 7 locations. The meals are served at the meal sites and packaged and delivered to homebound residents by volunteers. Hospital meal programs provide diet specific meals. County meals are supported by grants with donations from recipients. Transportation can be an issue (keeping food hot etc.) and keeping volunteers to deliver and serve. Gap is residents who need special diet but can't afford the hospital meals. Also, weekend meals are currently not available. Kitchen at nursing home is set up to provide special diets so transportation as well as staff to manage the meal sites may be major issues. Decided to pursue meal provision in the long-term care planning.

Long-term care redesign - no new information to report.

Operational review/analysis. Development of request for proposal.

Kathy and Jeanne summarized the Schenck Study. Major areas of concern were staffing structure and reporting responsibilities of management, controlling labor costs, computerized inventory system, establishing Alzheimer's Unit, meals on wheels program and financial issue of decertification of beds. Discussed the impact that the decisions of this committee would have on employees and the need to look at the implications and inform employees of the progress as needed. Some changes suggested by the study were completed.

Kathy asked for 1 month before the next meeting to have time to prepare reports. Will be able to provide survey results, more information regarding the Schenck Study and update on RFP process. Was decided to meet on June 13.

Discussion regarding the recommendations of the operational analysis and the process for possible implementation at the HCC. Suggestion was to prepare list of suggestions and direct it to the proper oversite committee for consideration.

Next meeting date will be June 13 at 6:00 p.m.

Motion by Haugen, second by Borleske to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary, Continuum of Care Planning Committee