July 27, 2006
MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Alexander, Linda Borleske,
Paul Endres, Joan Fordham, Lowell Haugen, Al Dippel
ABSENT: Judith Stoeckmann
OTHERS PRESENT: Jeanne Leeck, Kathy Schauf, Cindy Bodendein, Bill Orth, Trish Vandre, Kerry Beghin
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
Motion by Borleske, second by Dippel to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
Motion by Fordham, second by Borleske to approve the minutes
of the previous meeting.
Motion carried.
Briefly discussed the letter received from Tom Kriegl. Committee felt the questions were addressed. One of the goals of this committee is to look at items from the Schenck Study which were not done and see if they should be incorporated into the new plan. Was decided to send response to Kriegl and each member of the full board stating the above. Kathy received an offer of 25 acres of land near St. Clare Hospital to the county. A response was sent to him stating that the committee would consider the offer when the time comes.
Results were compiled by Kerry and given to members. Three entities did not respond and one responded minimally. Committee will review results and highlight items of interest. Also, make note of any facilities where a site visit would be of interest. Will be discussed at next meting.
Appears that all staff involved in the analysis are qualified to address the issues we put before them. Large difference in total cost of proposals may be due in part to a misconception of what the task was. Large span in the amount of hours which each company will spend on study. Was decided to have an appointed group go over the proposals and rate them on a scale of 1 - 5 covering several different items. Items to be rated are Adequacy of Response, Organization of Proposal, Estimate of Staff Time, Total Cost and Qualifications of Staff. Rating group will be Jeanne, Joan, Kathy, Bill and Judith. Results to be discussed at the next meeting. Kathy will send template to everyone tomorrow and asks to have it returned as soon as possible. Will then compile it and send it to full board. Group discussed whether or not this project will need to be presented as a report to the board with action being taken at the next meeting, or an item to be dealt with in one meeting. "Significant" items are to be brought to the board as a report at one meeting and for vote the next. Routine items will be acted upon the same night that they are presented. Group decided that because of our time line and since it was one of the specific things the board requested, it could be treated as a routine item. Kathy discussed the resolution regarding the analysis. HCC Committee will meet before the full board meeting on the 15th of August to approve the resolution.
Kathy asked committee to begin thinking about things they would like to see as far as design goes. Any ideas or input would be helpful. Also will need current market trend information. Our current timeline apprears to be in line with what the state is planning. Will need to keep an eye on the State budget next year. Functional Group will be giving the full county board a presentation on the ADRC in August
Updates from Functional Group - Has gone through all gaps to address which gaps may need to be included in a new "complex" and to determine which are county responsibilities and which are not. Have broken down into work groups. Are looking at what has to be local and what can be regional. State funding will only cover regional activities. There is a group of core services which must be provided.
Services which may be included in the new "complex". Activities of Daily Living - There are some gaps, such as not enough staff available to provide the services. This service could be located at new facility.
Nursing - Could be located at new facility - especially could be beneficial if new campus were located near MATC.
Update on long-term care redesign - State has been struggling with funding issues with ADRC. Have made some decisions and will be forthcoming. Was some confusion regarding being in both a CMO and ADRC. Thought was that you couldn't be in both, but now state has said it is possible if governing entity is not the same. State is discussing also the tax levy issues. County government needs to play a strong role in the discussions. Consortiums are working on developing Power Point presentation for county boards which will be made available to our board.
Kathy updated the goals/objectives with items from the last meeting. More suggestions were made which Kathy will add.
Timeline and Task List. Still on target with dates.
Next meeting date will be Tuesday, August 8, at 6:00 p.m.
Motion by Haugen, second by Dippel to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary, Continuum of Care Planning Committee