MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Alexander, Paul Endres, Joan Fordham, Lowell Haugen, Al Dippel, Judith Stoeckmann
ABSENT: Linda Borleske
OTHERS PRESENT: Kathy Schauf, Jeanne Leeck, Kerry Beghin
Meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
Motion by Dippel, second by Fordham to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
Motion by Fordham, second by Alexander to approve the minutes of the previous
Motion carried.
Double rooms to accommodate residents who want to stay together - husband and wife. Set aside some rooms for "light care" residents. Installation of instant hot water heaters. Establishing staffing ratio/standard - how arrived at. Being economical in one area to use extra revenue in another. Members would like to visit this facility.
Many services are bid out/contracted. Continually looking at services for bidding/outsourcing opportunities such as providing meals on wheels, etc. Have incontinence nurse specialist and wound care specialist who bill directly. Computerized charting. Participate in MetaStar QI network. Aggressively enforced attendance policy.
Nothing relevant
Incorporates cultural change, person centered care and cross-training.
Assisted living on the campus, resident centered facility, state of the art equipment. Would be interesting to visit.
Provide palliative care, have non-benefit CNA's, independent living apartments next to the care center.
Pine Valley Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, Richland County (Family Care County) - Have senior exercise class and promote senior volunteers, increased bariatric emphasis.
Combined many middle management jobs, emphasis on sharing county services, Public Health Department resides in one of the nursing home buildings, take inmates from county jail for rehab services, pursuing expanding into assisted living.
Have many county owned facilities including ICF-MR/FDD, RCAC, CBRF, Adult Family Home, Medicaid Certified Institute for Mental Disease - Nursing Facility. Silent alarms for residents, use of facilities to store commodities.
Group discussed possible site visits and what the group should be looking at - the facility, financial status etc.
Committee should be thinking about where they might like to go, questions to ask, etc. Report from WIPFLi will be available in late October and that may be helpful information to have before going on site visits. Will arrange initial meeting with WIPFLi for next week if possible. A possible time to discuss site visits or develop questions would be the October 24th meeting. Site visits could then be made anytime between November 06 and March 07. Paul mentioned that a thank you should go out to all facilities who responded to the survey.
No updates available.
Kathy will update the timeline. Discussed possible times for meeting with WIPFLi next week. Because of the budget process currently going on, Kathy requested that the next regular committee meeting be postponed until October 10.
Next meeting date will be Tuesday, October 10, at 6:00 p.m.
Motion by Dippel, second by Haugen to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary, Continuum of Care Planning Committee