Health Care Center Committee

DATE: January 5, 2006

PRESENT: Arthur Carlson, Linda Borleske, Larry Volz, Tom Bychinski, Paul Endres, Jeanne Leeck, Administrator; Lisa Buttonow, Business Office Manager, and Katie Pope, Personnel Manager. Bill McClary, Chief Engineer was present for a portion of the meeting.

  1. Called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Art Carlson. The open meeting law requirements were met.
  2. Motion by Borleske, second by Endres to adopt the agenda.
    Motion carried.
  3. Motion by Volz, second by Borleske to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
    Motion carried.
  4. Communications. Volz indicated that he asked to be on the agenda of the Property and Insurance Committee regarding the recent duplex repair but Kathyinformed him that the situation had been resolved.
  5. Public Comment. None.
  6. Bids for Cropland were opened and read. One bid was eliminated because it was submitted late. The bidder challenged that decision because of the final date for bids being a bank holiday, however in checking with Corp. Counsel the decision to eliminate the bid was upheld.
  7. Bids for the pastureland were opened and read.
  8. Bids for the barn were opened and read.
  9. Bids for the metal machine shed/barn were opened and read. One bidder requested the use of electricity in the shed and since that was not part of the bid description it was disqualified.

    Successful bidders will be notified within 10 days of this opening. All cropland bidders who submitted down payments will be reimbursed except the successful bidder. That payment will be applied to the first installment.

  10. Bill explained the emergency repair needed for the steam pipe. Unsure of exact amount needed but was able to estimate a partial amount. Bill also discussed several other recent repairs and some coming up which will have to be done. Bill was asked to compile a list of needed repairs and those recently done for the Board meeting on February 7 at 6:00 p.m.

    Motion by Bychinski, second by Endres to approve an amount not to exceed $7,200 for repair of the steam pipe.
    Motion carried.

  11. ICF/MR re-certification. The unit has to be re-licensed every four years. We need board approval to complete the application.<

    Motion by Endres, second by Borleske to approve the re-licensing of the ICF/MR.
    Motion carried.

  12. Jeanne reviewed the donations for the month/year.

    Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to approve the donations for the month in the amount of $1,503.00 and yearly donation total in the amount of $16,951.69.
    Motion carried.

  13. Administrator's Report. Report to the board will be in a different format than previously. At County Department Head meeting was decided that so much different information has to be communicated to the Committees that a standard format would be helpful. Goals from the budget process will be used for discussion. Any comments from the board would be helpful to make the report more meaningful to them. Each department was discussed and the board had positive comments regarding the report. Would like the report earlier to review before the meeting since it is so extensive. Jeanne will send out with the agenda in the future. Jeanne continues to work on rewriting the Policies and Procedures - several are completed. FDD Unit will be down to 8 residents as of January 9. State is expected on that unit any day. Union negotiations are looking positive. Received letter from Mr. Toeder stating that he expects to put some fencing up in May so we will have to complete our portion of the fence also at that time.
  14. Personnel Department Report. Katie reviewed the status of job vacancies and employee recruitment activities that have occurred over the past month. Union negotiations have begun and are looking positive.
  15. Business Office Report. Lisa reviewed the vouchers and other financial information highlighting items of interest. Had a new report format to share with board which is less detailed. Board preferred the old format with the new form as a quarterly report. Things are going well for the department.

    Motion by Borleske, second by Bychinski to approve the vouchers in the amount of $143,750.19.
    Motion carried.

  16. Future of Sauk County Health Care Center. Art handed out a statement he will read at the county board meeting. Asked the group for input. General discussion followed. Resolution will be drafted at next Continuum meeting with the vote at the February County Board meeting. Informational meeting for the full board is scheduled for February 7.
  17. Next meetings: February 2, March 2 and April 6 at 9:00 a.m. - Decision was made to hold the February meeting at the new Senior Life Center in Reedsburg if it can be arranged.
  18. Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to adjourn.
    Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Linda Borleske, Secretary