Health Care Center Committee
DATE: September 7, 2006
PRESENT: Arthur Carlson, Linda Borleske, Henry Netzinger, Paul
Endres, Jeanne Leeck, Administrator.
ABSENT: Catherine Horenberger
OTHERS PRESENT: Kathy Schauf, Carol Gasser and Marty Krueger
- Called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Art Carlson. The open
meeting law requirements were met.
- Motion by Borleske, second by Netzinger to adopt the
Motion carried.
- Motion by Netzinger, second by Endres to approve the
minutes of the previous meetings.
Motion carried.
- Communications. None.
- Public Comment. None.
- Jeanne reviewed the 2007 budget information with the
board. Highlights include the closing of the FDD Unit on
October 1 which will result in a reduction of direct care
staff, as well as a reduction in revenues. Some departments
have been restructured, utility costs are expected to increase,
and budgeted revenue for Medicare Part B therapies is expected
to be less in 2007. This budget includes the $15M for capital
outlay funded by bond proceeds for construction of a new
HCC. The only areas going up in this year's budget are labor
and fuel costs. We continue to look at several ways to lessen
our reliance on the tax levy. Paul agreed to attend the budget
review which is on the 13th of September.
Motion by Endres, second by Borleske to approve the budget
request for 2007.
Motion carried.
- Review of private pay rates. Jeanne explained the differences
between private pay rates for area nursing homes and explained
the need to look at our current rates.
Motion by Endres, second by Netzinger to increase the private
pay rates by $10 beginning with the November billing.
- Discussion and consideration of a resolution to approve
an anonymous donation to SCHCC. Jeanne read the resolution
and explained that the family wished to remain anonymous.
Motion by Netzinger, second by Borleske to approve the
resolution accepting the anonymous donation to the Sauk
County Health Care Center.
Motion carried.
- Monthly donations. Jeanne reviewed the donations for
the month.
Motion by Borleske, second by Netzinger to accept the donations for the
month in the amount of $31,269.00.
Motion carried.
- Administrator's Report. Invoice training is ongoing.
We have received a more current billing for the bus and have
responded. Have asked the Benefit Club to discuss the current
processes and have as yet received no response. Census is
currently at 110. Borleske asked for general information
regarding admissions, discharges, payor source, etc. to have
on a monthly basis. FDD unit has two residents still awaiting
discharge, one is set for mid September and the last resident,
who is a Sauk County Resident, has no set date. A reduction
in the bed tax reflecting the 4 delicensed beds should be
reflected in the September tax. The down sizing money after
closure is expected at the end of the year. Ongoing project
is reviewing our other contracts. We are gathering information
for the organizational analysis of the facility. Reviewed
statistics available on the nursing home compare web site.
Quality indicators are compared for various nursing homes.
Bill received a commendation for correctly completing the
information required by the DNR for the Waste Water Treatment
Plant. Expect State Survey at any time. Cheryl will have
two staff attending sanitation training. Housekeeping has
gone through a staff reduction and so are spending less time
in non-patient related areas. With paychecks tomorrow will
be offering employees small tokens of thanks for the extra
time and effort they have been putting in lately for our
residents. Kathy and Marty will be here tomorrow morning
to meet with department heads regarding the interim plans
for the business office and personnel.
- Personnel Department
Report. Jeanne reviewed the status of job vacancies and
employee recruitment activities that have occurred over the
past month.
- Business Office Report. Carol reported that the staff
is working hard to keep up on billing. Continues to work
with staff with the goal of doing as much cross training
as possible and is compiling a list of staff duties.
Motion by Borleske, second by Netzinger to approve the
vouchers in the amount of $98,536.22
Motion carried.
- Continuum of Care update. Next regular meeting is scheduled
for October 10. Kathy is working on the RFP for hiring
architect etc. Also will follow up with survey information
and where the group may want to visit. Friday a meeting with
WIPFLi is scheduled so they may begin the operational analysis
of the HCC.
- Next meeting: October 5 at 6:00 p.m.
- Motion by Netzinger, second by Borleske to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Paul Endres, Secretary