Health Care Center Committee
DATE: November 2, 2006
PRESENT: Arthur Carlson, Linda Borleske, Henry Netzinger,
Paul Endres, Jeanne Leeck, Administrator. ABSENT: Catherine Horenberger
OTHERS PRESENT: Michelle Koehler, Kathy Schauf, Carol
Thompson and Marty Krueger
- Called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Art Carlson. The open
meeting law requirements were met.
- Motion by Borleske, second by Endres to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
- Motion by Netzinger, second by Endres to approve the
minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion carried.
Paul noted that Chairman Krueger was in attendance as a participating
and voting member of the board.
- Public comment. None
- Communications - Schauf/Krueger
Non-represented Grievance Procedure. Goal is to show
that non represented employees have a clear grievance
procedure in place.Discussion followed.
Board Development. Propose to create additional opportunities
for discussion and reporting on major issues that come
before the full board. Issues would be classified as
major, significant or routine. Routine items -
decided upon as they arise; significant issues -
topic is discussed at one meeting with a decision made
at the next meeting; and major issues - require
a separate county board meeting for open discussion.
Training would be held for department heads on writing
more effective resolutions and for supervisors on resolution
review processes. Committee chair training would include
resolution presentation skills, incorporating public
comment at committee meetings without circumventing the
process and valuing staff time at meetings. A reporting
format for the full board for major or significant issues
was also presented.
- Consideration of request to surrender 24 nursing home
beds. Krueger indicated that he was at the WIPFLi exit interview
and one recommendation was delicensing 24 beds. Recommendation
was presented to the Finance Committee as a cost saving consideration.
Jeanne indicated that we could surrender 24 beds and have
110 licensed beds. If we keep the number at 105 we can bill
MA for bedhold and would see some savings with lowered bed
tax. Question was raised as to whether or not we can sell
the beds. Jeanne will look into that possibility.
Motion by Netzinger, second by Endres to reduce the
number of licensed beds to 110 either through sale or
Motion Carried.
- Discussion of WIPFLi suggestions. Jeanne indicated that
some of the suggestions had been previously discussed, and
are now being considered more seriously. Some clerical-type
duties in the nursing department will be given to the nursing
Administrative Assistant. Changes are being made to the phone
system and nurse call system to streamline those areas. Looking
to get access for all appropriate staff to the MDS data entry
system. Also looking at changing some of the resident areas
in the building.
- Monthly donations. Jeanne reviewed the donations for
the month.
Motion by Krueger, second by Borleske to accept the
donations for the month in the amount of $1996.92.
Motion carried.
- Administrator's Report. Fdd Unit is officially closed
with all residents placed. Working on downsizing to 110 beds.
The outsourcing companies have completed their interviews
and we have sent them more information as requested. Union
and Administration will be presenting the "on-call" process
to staff at a general staffing meeting mid-month. We will
also be discussing some of the efficiencies that are being
looked into from the WIPFLi suggestions and to update staff
on the Continuum of Care Committee progress. Safe Halloween
was very successful and had 510 children in attendance. Staff
are working hard on upcoming holiday plans. We expect state
survey at any time. We are reviewing options with Respiratory
Therapy provider to look at cost effectiveness; reviewing
durable medical equipment billing processes; reviewing and
meeting with Therapy provider to review service provision
and current contract; and reviewing food service providers.
Census is at 107 with a waiting list for long and short term
beds. Resident statistics were provided, per Borleske's request.
- Personnel Department Report. Michelle reviewed the
status of job vacancies and employee recruitment activities
that have occurred over the past month. Plans on looking
more closely at the FMLA's here.
- Business Office Report. Carol reported that the business
office functions are continuing to move forward. Melyx is
still working to set up the Medicare Advantage billings.
Three department heads are now entering their own AP vouchers.
Upcoming changes in MA billing have caused some questions
however Melyx assured us that the program is fully capable
of handling changes as they arise. Krueger and other board
members commended Carol and the business office staff.
Motion by Krueger, second by Borleske to approve the
vouchers in the amount of $90,360.34
Motion carried.
- Continuum of Care update. RFP for architectural services
has been pushed back at the request of some members of the
committee. Felt the WIPFLi report may impact the RFP. In
the process of setting up site visits to Richland and Columbia
Counties. Plan is to visit both facilities in one day. WIPFLi
will be making a separate presentation to the HCC and Continuum
of Care Committees at 4:00 p.m. on December 5th with the
full board/public presentation at 6:00 p.m. Will attempt
to get the written report to supervisors on December 1. The
next Continuum of Care meeting is on November 21.
Borleske posed a question to Krueger regarding the proposed
Resolution appointing a Board of Trustees to oversee
the Health Care Center. Since the item was not on the
agenda for discussion he suggested the committee attend
the Executive and Legislative meeting to be held on Monday,
November 6 at 9:00 a.m. Endres asked that the item be
placed on the December agenda for the HCC Committee.
- Next meeting: December 8 at 8:30 a.m.
- Motion by Borleske, second by Netzinger to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Paul Endres, Secretary