Health Care Center Committee

DATE: December 8, 2006

PRESENT: Arthur Carlson, Linda Borleske, Henry Netzinger, Paul Endres, Jeanne Leeck, Administrator.

ABSENT: Catherine Horenberger

OTHERS PRESENT: Michelle Koehler, Kathy Schauf, Carol Thompson and Marty Krueger

  1. Called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Art Carlson. The open meeting law requirements were met.
  2. Motion by Borleske, second by Endres to adopt the agenda.
    Motion carried.
  3. Motion by Endres, second by Borleske to approve the minutes of the previous meetings - from November 2 and November 14.
    Motion carried.
  4. Motion by Borleske, second by Netzinger to approve the closed session minutes from the HCC/Personnel meeting on August 29, 2006.
    Motion carried.
  5. Public comment. None
  6. Communications - Letter received from Jane Zuehlke, DON to all board members voicing concerns regarding the WIPFLi study. Schauf indicated that a lot of work needs to be done before changes will be implemented from the study.

    Schauf updated board on selection process for Board of Trustees. Applicants will be interviewed on Monday along with those for the Interim Administrator position.

  7. Leeck indicated that she has not heard from the state on whether or not thay will allow the beds to be sold and transferred out of the area. Several steps are left before we will hear. Discussion of alternatives followed.

    Motion by Endres, second by Borleske to discontinue the effort to sell the beds unless we get acknowledgement from the state that they will approve the sale by January 15.
    Motion Carried.

  8. Resolution commending Jeanne Leeck for years of service.

    Motion by Carlson, second by Borleske to approve the resolution commending Jeanne Leeck for 25 years of service to Sauk County Health Care Center.
    Motion carried.

  9. Questions regarding the creation of the Board of Trustees were answered at another meeting.

    Krueger discussed the upcoming interviews for the Board of Trustees. Also have interviews scheduled for Interim Superintendent. Asked that each member let him know if they were interested in being appointed to the Board of Trustees and for what term. All members expressed interest. Carlson requested 3 years; Netzinger - 3 years; Endres and Borleske for whatever term is available.

  10. Discussion of the extension of the LTE position in the Business Office.

    Motion by Netzinger, second by Borleske to extend the LTE project position for 6 months.
    Motion carried.

  11. Resolution accepting a donation was discussed.

    Motion by Endres, second by Borleske to accept the donation of Lyle and Agnes Schaller in the amount of $50,000.
    Motion carried.

  12. Monthly donations. Jeanne reviewed the donations for the month.

    Motion by Borleske, second by Netzinger to accept the donations for the month in the amount of $50,550.00.
    Motion carried.

  13. Administrator's Report. Billing/AR is current. Have received a more curent IT Policy. Staffing is better that previously. Contractual changes are in process with the on call list having been discussed at an all staff meeting. Staff openings are filled as they occur. Are looking to decrease the time it takes to do the complete resident assessment and get the resident to the unit. Staff evaluations are caught up. Fdd Unit closure relocation money has been awarded. Activity Therapy Department is doing well and very busy with holiday parties etc. Social Services are working to make sure all residents who want advanced directives have them. Working also with new admissions to make sure the POA's for health care and finances are current. Monthly census average for the year is 104. Medical Records department is reviewing policies and procedures for MR and HIPAA compliance. Has established a central data entry office for MDS. Kitchen has two staff scheduled for sanitation training in February. Maintenance continues to work hard to keep the building functioning. Housekeeping department has been able to keep standards up in spite of staff reduction. Laundry working smoothly. WIPFLi suggested that the volunteer responsibilities go to the AT department. They have been split between AT, Administrative Secretary and Housekeeping Manager. Expecting state survey any time. Focus this year is on life safety codes. Sunshine club has taken over fund raising functions to recognize employees for life events.
  14. Personnel Department Report. Michelle reviewed the status of job vacancies and employee recruitment activities that have occurred over the past month. The on call implementation will take place in January. A Unit of Clarification has been filed with AFSCME regarding the implementation.
  15. Business Office Report. Carol reported that the business office functions are continuing to move forward. Melyx is handling the Medicare Advantage billings. Most department heads are now entering their own AP vouchers and nursing department is next on the schedule.

    Motion by Endres, second by Borleske to approve the vouchers in the amount of $119,302.03
    Motion carried.

  16. Carlson expressed concern that the entire HCC Committee was not included on the Nursing Homes tours taken by the Continuum of Care Committee. Endres indicated that no slight was intended and that the Continuum of Care Committee was commissioned to do this research. Schauf indicated that if the touring group becomes too large it could be a disruptive influence to facilities. Carlson asked to be included in the future. Krueger indicated that the Continuum of Care Committee is to come up with a broad concept of what the county may want. Eventually will hand off that responsibility to the HCC Trustees for the actual building project.
  17. Continuum of Care update. Tours of Nursing Homes went very well and the committee felt they learned a lot. Would like to tour at least 1 if not 2 more. RFP for Architectural services will be discussed at the next meeting which is on December 12.
  18. Supervisor Carlson expressed his respect for the committee members and considered it an honor to work with them. He also expressed appreciation to Jeanne for her years of service, especially the last three years as Administrator. Jeanne was presented with a hand made plaque.
  19. Next meeting: To be set by Chairman Krueger.
  20. Motion by Endres, second by Borleske to adjourn.
    Motion carried.

Respecfully Submitted: Paul Endres, Secretary