Human Services Committee

DATE: May 8, 2006
5:00 p.m.
County Board Room
Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Stoeckmann, Vertein, Dippel, Bowers, Endres, Fordham, Zowin

Members Excused: None

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Orth, Brattset, Horkan

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Human Services Board Organization

  1. Election of Officers: Motion by Endres, seconded by Stoeckmann to nominate Scott Alexander with unanimous ballet for Human Services Board Chair.
    Motion Carried.

    Motion by Bowers, seconded by Vetein to nominate Paul Endres as Vice Chair as unanimous recommendation.
    Motion Carried.

    Motion by Vertein, seconded by Zowin to nominate Judith Stoeckmann as Secretary as unanimous nomination.
    Motion Carried.

  2. Set Meeting Date and Time: Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Bowers to make the first Monday of every month at 5:00 p.m. to be the Human Services Board meeting date and time. (Unless the first Monday of the month is the first business day in which case the meeting will be the second Monday of the month)
    Motion Carried.
  3. Finance Committee Appointments: Motion by Bowers, seconded by Stoeckmann to maintain the current Finance Subcommittee of the Human Services Board.
    Motion Carried.

    Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Zowin to adopt the agenda. Motion Carried. Discussion to move Items D and E to beginning of Department Updates. This was unanimously accepted by Board to accommodate Bowers' schedule.

    Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Fordham to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
    Motion Carried.
    Bowers abstained from this motion.


Orth reminded Board members that the WCHSA Spring Conference is in several weeks. Please let him know if you are interested in attending.

Business Items:

  1. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Horkan distributed the monthly voucher reports. Endres noted that the administrative line is up due to purchasing of two copiers. Community Aids is up slightly due to different number of days in the month. Community Treatment is down from March 2006, but slightly increased this month due to LSS bills. Institutions are down this month with Mendota bill not being received at this time. Income Maintenance is down due to less funerals this month. There have been no payments in March 2006 for energy assistance, therefore two payments were in April 2006. Motion by Endres, seconded by Bowers to approve vouchers in the amount of $1,616, 535.47.
    Motion Carried.
  2. Long Term Care Project Position Extension: Orth spoke about one year grant to support nurse supervisor and Long Term Care social worker position which will focus on ICF-MR down sizing and nursing home relocations. This was approved for one year some time ago (until the end of 2006). Hiring has taken some time and Orth indicated that he would desire an extension of these positions to the end of 2007 as project positions as the revenues and grant funds will fund this throughout this year. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Bowers to propose these positions to go to Personnel and Finance Committee to approve to extend until end of 2006.
    Motion Carried.
  3. New Position Requests/Reclassifications: Orth referred three positions for Sauk County Department of Human Services (See Sauk County New Position Authorization Forms). These positions include:
    1. CSP Training Specialist, which is already budgeted. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Vertein to approve as presented.
      Motion Carried.
    2. CSP Masters level Psychotherapist. This is a new position due to increase volume in services in CSP and CSP staffing ratios. Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Fordham to approve as presented. Motion Carried. Discussion: Fordham noted that by having these clients served in CSP it reduces higher costs in placements.
    3. CAP Unit Social Work Position. Orth noted this is a position which is currently contracted, however the cost of the contract has given rise to the need to bring the position into the Sauk County Department of Human Services. In addition, there has been increased turnover in this position which incurs higher costs. Motion by Zowin, seconded by Vertein to approve as presented. Motion Carried. Discussion: Bowers indicated the main reason for this position is really stabilization of the position.
    4. Orth reviewed a number of reclassifications to include: Administrative Support position be reclassified to Accounting Specialist which will result in approximately a $1,000 per year increase. Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Bowers to approve as presented.
      Motion Carried.

      Discussion: Endres asked if this was approved by Personnel, Orth indicated that they will be forwarded to the Personnel Committee for action.

    5. Program Assistant position in Records. Orth indicated that this is a result of a discrepancy between the Reedsburg and Baraboo office. Orth further reiterated that this should be equal, however, in the past it has not been. This will result in approximately a $1,000 per year increase. Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Bowers to approve as presented.
      Motion Carried.
  4. State/County Contract Addendum-Hurricane Relief: Horkan noted a State/County contract a little over $1,000 was received to serve Hurricane victims as needed. It has been noted that we have not served any Hurricane victims at this time. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Bowers to receive contract addendum as presented.
    Motion Carried.
  5. 2007 Budget Form 1 Approval: Orth presented the 2007 Budget Form 1 (see attached). He added Long Term Care Redesign and potential for Homeless Shelter. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Stoeckmann to approve as presented.
    Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

  1. New Board Members: Orth welcomed Kathy Zowin present for her first board meeting. Orth indicated that Karen Fabisiak could not attend this month, however, would be attending in the future. Orth indicated that he has met with Zowin for orientation and will meet with Fabisiak in the near future.
  2. Long Term Care Redesign: Orth spoke about Family Care presentation by Richland County. He noted that there is a focus on cost efficiency and quality of care. Orth summarized some of the differences of Family Care from current service delivery. Orth indicated that he has met with Kathy Schauf and Trish Vandre, Commission on Aging to discuss Aging Disabilities Resource Centers. There is a question on how to update the full board. Orth may use full planning day in the future to help do this.
  3. State Tax Intercept Collections: Horkan gave an update on tax intercept collections for the Sauk County Department of Human Services. Horkan indicated that there has been amounts collected which will net to about $5,300.00 for Sauk County Department of Human Services.
  4. Homeless Update: Brattset reported that Orth, Brattset and Hauser from LSS met recently with Sauk-Prairie St. Vincent DePaul Board to discuss potential options for a homeless shelter. A number of early points are:
    1. The Sauk-Prairie St. Vincent DePaul Board wants a local option and will begin to look for potential sites. They particularly remain interested in owning and donating the building and land.
    2. LSS will look at HUD grants and other grant options for staffing services.
    3. Target population for first priority will be women with children.
    4. Sauk County Department of Human Services will update the Board in the future and ask the Board to consider what funding options would be appropriate.
    5. The Sauk County Department of Human Services would provide case management services which are currently being provided for these families in the office setting.
  5. Workforce Development Board/Sauk Job Center: Orth noted that there is a requirement that Job Centers have comprehensive centers. Sauk will be a comprehensive center and Columbia and Marquette will be access sites connected to Sauk County. Current OSO's will be disbanded and reorganized with new business plans focusing on funding for 2007. Orth indicated that he is chair of the new OSO formulated with the Sauk County as comprehensive center. Orth further indicated that in the future there will be an emphasis on job centers being outreach as a resource to employers.
  6. Judicial District Presentations: Orth reported that as a result of the PEP for Child Protective Services and implementation dates by October 2007 there will be new practices and standards, some of which have already been implemented. In each judicial district there will be presentations to update the Judges. Orth will present in the local district.
  7. Quarterly Update Form: Orth presented the Quarterly Update Form (see attached). Noted was the client satisfaction surveys which appeared very positive.
  8. SCAN Update: Brattset reported that discussions continue with CESA 5 regarding the SCAN project with focus on the 2006-2007 school year. Focuses are in maintaining and improving quality in the SCAN program to include an increased awareness of mental health needs, improving teaching techniques, family involvement, and team member functioning. A meeting with CESA 5 and the Sauk County Department of Human Services staff will occur on 6/2/06 to discuss these issues.

Motion by Endres, seconded by Vertein to adjourn.
Motion Carried.

The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, June 5, 2006 at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted: Judith Stoeckmann