Land Conservation Committee

DATE: March 7, 2006
Basement Meeting Room
West Square Building

Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 1:05 p.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Lehman, Wiese, Borleske, Cassity, and Prem from the Committee; Van Berkel, Pohle, Vosberg, and Greve-LCD.

Adopt agenda: Motion by Lehman/Cassity to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried, all in favor.

The Land Conservation Committee introduced themselves to those in attendance.

Committee Chair Wiese welcomed those who had come to the public hearing and explained the procedures that would be followed for the hearing and meeting.

Van Berkel read the public hearing notice as published in the Baraboo News Republic.

Van Berkel gave a brief review of the changes to the Sauk County Animal Waste Management Ordinance. The original ordinance was passed in 1990 and provided for the oversight and permitting of manure storage facilities constructed in the county.

The proposed revisions update the original ordinance to bring it into compliance with the current state statutes but also add authority to enforce the four basic prohibitions as adopted in state statutes in 1997. Presently enforcement of these prohibitions is the responsibility of DNR, but a shortage of staff has resulted in little effort and slow response. The revisions would assume this authority to enforce to provide a quicker response, better recommendations for solving the problem, and increased priority for cost-share funds. A limit to enforcement is the requirement that 70 percent cost sharing be provided and adopting the authority to enforce would help to obtain this cost sharing.

He explained the LCC has been working on this ordinance for the past four months to develop the present draft. Comments from today’s hearing, along with comments from the Sauk County Corporation Counsel and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection will be used for future revisions.

Speaking in favor: No one.

Speaking in opposition were: Linda White, Brian Kindschi, Tom Brennan, Terry Hanson

Speaking as interests may appear were: Galen Alwin, Ed Liegel, Ken Nolden, Dale Moore, Don Stevens, John Tourdot, James Giebel

Van Berkel responded to the comments, pointing out that some of the recurring concerns are items that are already within the state statutes. Terms like direct runoff and navigable streams are part of the state statutes and cannot be changed at this level. He explained that the reasoning behind the Committee proposal to take on enforcement locally was to provide better protection of the resource and develop better solutions for the farmers. The question is whether the farmer would be better served by having the local Land Conservation Department (LCD) or the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) staff answering complaints. His personal feeling is that the LCD works closely with farmers and will be able to make a better judgment and offer a more reasonable solution than the DNR would. The LCD has a long history of addressing these issues and making cost sharing available. His hope is that the LCC does not lose site of what they were trying to accomplish. What the Department and Committee are trying to do and what people are interpreting are very different. He proposes that there needs to be a compromise.

Stevens suggested the Committee work on better wording with more exact definitions and specifications. He suggested that the ordinance needs to include more common sense to be passed by County Board. He stated farmers need parameters to know what is right or wrong.

Wiese called for any other comments. Hearing none, the public hearing was officially closed on a motion by Zowin/Cassity.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Cassity suggested the Committee use the notes taken today and try addressing some of these issues. He suggested that when we get those done, we then enlist some volunteers from the public hearing to get input. His feeling is the more people involved the better. He also suggested that we need to make sure that funding is available for cost sharing.

Zowin thanked people for their participation and said the Committee appreciated their testimony. She emphasized that the LCD works closely and cooperatively with farmers and does a fantastic job for the county. She asked that people make recommendations for dealing with older pits.

Adopt minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Lehman/Borleske to adopt the minutes of the public hearing and regular LCC meeting on February 10.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Public comment:

There was none.


A. Thursday Note 2/16/06

- Van Berkel reviewed the Thursday Note.

B. LCC Training

- LCC training opportunity on June 13 in Verona - mainly for new LCC members.

C. Other Correspondence

- WLWCA 2006 dues. They are offering different membership levels. Approximately 12 counties of the 72 eligible are dropping out as members. Motion by Zowin/Borlekse to pay at the Bronze level amounting to $950. Motion carried, all in favor.

- Wisconsin P.L. 566 Coalition dues. Van Berkel informed the LCC that 2006 dues in the amount of $50 were budgeted and suggested approval.

- Van Berkel received a request that the LCC write a letter to Senator Herb Kohl to support funding of watershed work in the 2007 federal budget. Motion by Cassity/Lehman to send a letter to Senator Kohl asking that he oppose the proposed budget cut and support federal funding for dam rehabilitation. Wiese offered to sign the letter after it was prepared.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Legislative Updates:

Van Berkel reported that Livestock Siting Rules have now passed the legislative review. The county will now have to decide whether to adopt the rules or not. No action required at this time.


Van Berkel briefly reviewed the LCD monthly report which was sent out with the agenda packets.

Van Berkel gave an overview of the Hausner Farm operations and the process the LCD will use with them to develop a conservation plan and prioritize correction plans for the livestock confinement areas. It will take quite a bit of staff time, but it will also result in a lot of pollution control.

Brereton reported the results of Sauk County’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) signup. A total of $359,887 was received to fund 19 contracts, including one contract funded under the state waste storage signup. The EQIP Energy Initiative is new this year. Older contracts are being offered a 15 percent increase in the amount paid on certain structural practices if they are completed by June 30, 2006.

Prem reported that CRP signups are continuing.

Training events:

Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the list of training events.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Review and approval of vouchers:

Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve vouchers with a total amount $8,580.61.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Consider Possible Resolution Establishing Mirror Lake Protection District:

Van Berkel discussed the revised map which removed the village business area. The Village of Lake Delton would not pass a resolution of support with these properties included. This reduction does reduce the tax base considerably. Van Berkel reported that the village called every landowner in the village regarding the change but no one spoke in opposition of the area reduction at their meeting. The LCC can reduce the boundary size to the new proposed district but not enlarge it. Motion by Zowin/Lehman to approve the resolution that a public inland lake district around Mirror Lake, as per the modified boundaries, be established with R. Waldo Peterson, Catherine Sperl and Dale Moore to serve as representatives and Marty Krueger to serve as the County Board representative. Motion by Lehman/Borleske to amend the resolution to replace Krueger with Kathy Zowin as County Board representative. Motion on amendment carried, all in favor.
Motion on original motion carried, all in favor.

Review of Preliminary 2007 Goals and Output and Outcome Measures:

Van Berkel presented the LCD’s Preliminary 2007 Goals, Output and Outcome Measures to the Committee. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the version presented.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Van Berkel discussed the $30,000 DATCP grant received to prepare nutrient management plans for farms in the Honey Creek area.

Consider Letter Supporting NRCS Application for a Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative Grant:

Van Berkel explained that NRCS has had significant cuts in their watershed funding. They are planning to apply for competitive grants to provide assistance in the Otter Creek area. They are requesting a letter in support of the grant request. Motion by Borleske/Prem to support the NRCS application for the Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative Grant. Motion carried, all in favor. Wiese signed the letter of support.

Consider Request to Use a Portion of NBR Project Cost-Share Funds for Water Quality Monitoring:

The Narrows Creek Watershed Project is now complete and has been very successful. An initial goal of the project was to go back after completion and conduct a survey to evaluate manure management changes. Van Berkel requested the use of funds from the $13,000 remaining in the NBR county cost sharing account to extend funding for the two summer staff for two weeks, to provide 150 well samples, and to re-inventory macro-invertebrate populations. The interns would set up an appointment, offer a free water sampling, and then conduct a survey. The macro-invertebrates would be sent to UW-Superior for evaluation. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to spend up to $8,000 to provide staff, monitor the water quality, and conduct the survey. Motion carried, all in favor

Resignation of Karg as Alternate to Southwest Badger Resource Conservation and Development Council:

Van Berkel informed the LCC that Pam Karg resigned from the Southwest Badger RC&D Council due to volunteer work in Armenia for an extended period of time. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to accept Karg’s resignation and to recognize her service at the April County Board meeting. Motion carried. It was recommended to have two Committee appointments to the Southwest Badger RC&D in the future.

Motion to adjourn until April 13 at 9:00 a.m. by Lehman/Cassity at 4:03 p.m. Motion carried, all in favor.

Respectfully Submitted: Kathy Zowin, Secretary