DATE: April 13, 2006
County Board Room 326-A
West Square Building
Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:00 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Lehman, Wiese, Borleske, Cassity, and Prem from the Committee; Norgard-FSA; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD. Guthmiller-DNR, Exo-UWEX.
Motion by Zowin/Borleske to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Mark Guthmiller of the DNR presented a report on the status of gypsy moth populations in Sauk County, control efforts, and the prospects for the future.
John Exo, UWEX, presented a report on the results of the recent well sampling performed in Spring Green and Franklin and the anticipated future direction for this well testing effort.
Motion by Zowin/Borleske to adopt
the minutes of the regular LCC meeting from March 7.
Motion carried, all
in favor.
There was none.
Norgard reported that it appears the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) general signup and the 2007 expiring contracts reenrollment/extension deadline, originally set for April 14, has been extended until Friday, April 28. Contract holder compliance fees are required to check existing covers on the reenrollment/extensions. An extended Milk Income Loss Contract program signup deadline is May 17 for producers wishing the option of choosing a retroactive start month for payment. Signups after May 17 will not have a retroactive start month option. Later this year nominations will begin for a county committee position from the northwest portion of the county. An emphasis on obtaining female and/or minority nominees is being pursued.
Van Berkel informed the LCC that Farming and Conservation Together (FACT) has volunteered to fund an additional LCD summer student to assist with CREP enrollments in that area. If Personnel and Accounting approves this, we will go through our summer intern application pool. There will not be any cost to the county. There is room in the LCD office, and this will benefit CREP. Committee agreed to pursue the idea.
Wiese signed the DATCP staffing grant request for 2007. The request was comprised of $349,935 for staff based upon the formula in statutes with a probable grant of $155,447; a request of $144,000 for DATCP Land & Water Resource Water Management (LWRM) cost sharing based upon the requests received in the first quarter of 2006, the probable grant amount will be about $30,000; nutrient management planning request was $35,000, it is questionable if we will receive any due to the ranking system and the fact we received this grant for 2006; and cost-sharing request for the Dell Creek Watershed was $163,140, and we will receive that amount.
The Committee did not have any questions or comments regarding the Monthly Report sent out with the agendas.
Van Berkel invited Committee to a talk he is giving for the Baraboo Range Preservation Association lecture series on the conservation history of the county.
Motion by Zowin/Cassity to approve the list of training
Motion carried, all in favor.
Voucher summaries were distributed to
the Committee members. Motion by Cassity/Lehman to approve
bills in the amount of $2,755.94.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Van Berkel read Karg’s resignation letter at the last committee meeting, and the Committee requested a resolution be forwarded to County Board. LCC signed the resolution for submission.
Each Committee member shared their thoughts and reactions regarding the comments on the ordinance. The general feeling was that most issues could be addressed and the biggest point of contention was whether the county should take on the role of enforcing the non-point rules.
Van Berkel reported that many of the concerns regarding the definitions would be addressed by inclusion of recommendations received from the DATCP.
He then explained his reaction to the hearing comments. His feeling is that there was a general misunderstanding of the intent for taking on the rule enforcement responsibility. He explained how the process could work with local enforcement.
The LCC needs to determine if assuming this role would provide better service to the landowners and the resource. If so he would like to continue on that path and try to make that sale. He suggested that due to the strong turnout another public hearing should be held when the next revision is final. Copies of the comments made by each speaker at the public hearing along with Van Berkel’s responses were distributed. The next Conservation Chronicle newsletter will include an article regarding the ordinance. The LCC instructed Van Berkel to send information regarding the next steps to everyone who attended the public hearing.
Pohle provided the LCC
with the applications for teacher scholarships. The county
sponsors up to two environmental education scholarships each year. Motion
by Zowin/Cassity to approve up to $250 each for registration at courses
for Bruce Stewart and Joe Block.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Pohle briefed the
Committee about the one application from Amanda Halatek for
Youth Conservation Camp. Motion by Lehman/Cassity to approve Amanda Halatek
for a scholarship for $100 to attend the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation
Association Camp in Ladysmith.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Van Berkel stated that both applicants have been in the Farmland
Preservation Program before, and they meet the conservation
requirements. Motion by Borleske/Lehman to approve agreements with Kevin
Lins and Brian and Jodi Frank.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion to adjourn until May 11 at 9:00 a.m. by Cassity/Borleske at 11:59
Motion carried, all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted: Kathy Zowin, Secretary