DATE: November 16, 2006
UW-Extension ETN
West Square Building
Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:01 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Wiese, Borleske, Cassity, and Prem from the Committee; Norgard-FSA; Livingston-DNR; Jackson-Kelly-NRCS; Guthmiller-DNR; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD, Hahn-Vernon County LCD. Lehman was absent.
Motion by Borleske/Cassity to adopt the agenda.
carried, all in favor.
Motion by Borleske/Cassity to adopt the minutes of the LCC meeting on October 18. Motion carried, all in favor. Cassity questioned if letters were sent to the attendees from the Animal Waste Management Ordinance meetings regarding their delaying action. Van Berkel reported it has been mailed. A farm expansion or manure management workshop will be discussed soon with Dietmann.
There was none.
Van Berkel distributed the agenda for the Wisconsin P.L. 566 Coalition Conference planning meeting on November 28. Phil Hahn, P.L. 566 Coalition Chairman, informed the LCC that the 2007 National Watershed Coalition Conference will be held in LaCrosse in May. He briefed the Committee about the conference and the benefit of attendance. Hahn encouraged the allocation of funds to send Van Berkel, Vosberg, and elected officials to this conference.
Nothing to report.
Jackson-Kelly reported that NRCS is considering the possibility of offering contribution agreements to LCD’s to develop certified nutrient management plans. Very few counties would qualify since they need a licensed engineer, certified crop advisor, and a certified conservation planner on staff. If Sauk County is interested in participating, a letter indicating that interest is necessary. The Committee directed Van Berkel to write a letter of interest for the contribution agreement.
Van Berkel commented on the number of grant commitments already made and his concern about taking on any more obligations. Committee suggested that a list of LCD 2007 priorities and staff time commitments be reviewed at the December LCC meeting. This will help the LCC prioritize duties due to the new approved grants and assistance requests.
Jackson-Kelly reviewed the dollar amounts allocated to the southwest area of the state in the last fiscal year for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP). A draft of the projected 2007 EQIP allocations was also distributed.
Norgard reported that FSA is finalizing re-enrollment and extension of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) requests for 2008-2010. Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) projects are finishing up, and Stewart is trying to get new ones. A few CRP contracts are expiring, and the land is returning to cropland. County Committee election for the northwest portion of the county will run through December 4. Robin Craker will need to be replaced because he has reached his term limit.
Livingston informed the LCC that the second county forester position has been filled. Stearn’s replacement, Paul Kloppenburg, will be starting in a few weeks. There are ten active Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) contracts for woodland management now, and they are soliciting for the next signup. Wisconsin Forest Landowner Grant Program (WFLGP) signups are also being accepted. He has been writing management plans and cost-sharing private plan preparation for Managed Forest Law (MFL) agreements. There have been some changes in the MFL. The county is nearing 40,000 of MFL acres enrolled. This is important because it will trigger aid from state, possibly $18,000-$19,000 in 2008. Saw log prices are down, the market is soft right now. Pulp wood markets are increasing down here. Tree order forms are available. His office is also collecting acorns, hickory nuts, and pine cones for the nurseries. Stewart assisted in obtaining a hardwood forestry grant to plant 40 acres to trees at Devil’s Lake State Park. The grant was for $5,000, and another $5,000 was received from the Turkey Stamp Fund. The tree planting will be contracted out. Youth Environmental Projects of Sauk County (YEPS) will help monitor and reinforce the planting.
Van Berkel noted that Martin paid for his cropland rental of the Health Care Center property.
Van Berkel discussed the possibility of the LCD purchasing two laser levels and three rods for a total of less than $4,500 out of the $10,000 originally budgeted for a total station survey instrument. The elevation accuracy of the new air photos allows us to work with photo elevations and laser levels to complete surveys reducing the need to purchase another total station. This change would allow approximately $5,500 remaining in the outlay budget. A copier was originally budgeted for 2007, but it was eliminated at finance due to budget cuts. Van Berkel checked with Beghin about purchasing a replacement copier out of the remaining $5,500, and this would be a possible option as long as we do not go over the $10,000 between the two purchases. The Committee complimented the staff for being conservative on our purchases and proactive. They directed Van Berkel to obtain pricing and to report back at the December LCC meeting for possible approval.
Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the list of training
Motion carried, all in favor.
Voucher summaries were distributed to
the Committee members. Motion by Borleske/Cassity to approve
2006 and 2007 bills in the amount of $47,676.37.
Motion carried, all
in favor.
There was discussion of the final plan that will be distributed at Tuesday’s County Board meeting. The proposal would assign the LCD staff responsibilities for the monitoring and fulfillment of the environmental obligations as well as any future waste reduction efforts. There was funding set aside to offset the staff time spent monitoring the gas micro-turbine facilities but not for the other obligations.
Guthmiller, DNR, informed the LCC that Gypsy Moth populations are increasing
in the county especially at Devil’s Lake State Park. To participate
in the state DNR spray program, a county coordinator for the Suppression
Program needs to be designated. Guthmiller reviewed the responsibilities
involved. In 2007 there will be very minimal work necessary as the only
block qualifying for spraying is within Devil’s Lake State Park.
Federal funds have previously covered some cost-sharing of spraying expenses
and administrative time, but little money is expected in 2007. The County
Forester cannot be assigned the position. If the county wants to provide
the service, someone has to be assigned the role of county coordinator.
This can be an annual appointment. The county could also contract it out
privately, but costs go up considerably and there is not funding available
to offset these costs. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to assign the county coordinator
position to Van Berkel in 2007.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Van Berkel informed the LCC that the Department is having difficulty signing agreements for the cost sharing of nutrient management plans. The concern is when landowners accept the cost sharing they will be required to maintain the nutrient management plan for all future years. The money was originally dedicated to the Plain-Honey Creek watershed area but has now been opened to county-wide participation. The funds need to be committed by December 1. If the money is not committed, it will affect future grant funds that are allocated based upon previous performance. There were questions about the detail and limitations of nutrient management plans. Van Berkel suggested that Stanek attend a future meeting to answer some of these questions and discuss nutrient management planning.
As noted earlier, a letter was mailed to the people that attended the public hearing regarding the delaying of action regarding the ordinance. Van Berkel received one e-mail message voicing a concern that the Committee was ignoring the need to update the ordinance and meet their charge to protect the resource. Committee members reported they have not heard any comments.
Van Berkel
noted that December 1 has been used regularly in the past
as the date when 90% of the county crops are estimated to be harvested.
The date is then used as a cutoff for the damage assessments from wildlife
for claims payments. Committee agreed that weather conditions this year
would again allow that as a reasonable date to assume harvest. Motion
by Borleske/Prem to set December 1 as the 90% harvest date.
Motion carried,
all in favor.
Motion to adjourn until December 14 at 9:30 a.m. by Borleske/Wiese at
11:52 a.m.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Respectfully Sumbitted: Kathy Zowin, Secretary