The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on Friday, June 2, at 10:17 A.M., in room D102A-Community Room, 1300 Lange Court, Baraboo, Wisconsin.
The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.
Members Present: Stevens, Tollaksen, Sinklair, Wheeler
Members Absent: None
Members Excused: Montgomery
Others Present: R. Stammen, B. Hinze, M. Hafemann, K. Fults, P. Raab, J. Prantner, J. Welsch, K. Schauf, C. Gruber, R. Meister, J. Gaalswyk, W. Schneider, T. McCutchin, B. Manning
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to adopt the agenda, with the
deletion of item 11.
Motion carried.
The committee received a copy of the most recent jail census that the federal government requires to be filled out on an annual basis.
The final copy concerned the resignation of a female transport officer.
Shelter Director Wendy Schneider reported that the shelter received a donation of $1,600 from a Lutheran charity.
The animal counts for May were 53 dogs taken in and 61 dogs adopted. There
were 61 cats taken in and 43 adopted. The Animal Control Officer took 56
call, 8 of which were bites cases.
The Humane Society is looking for suggestions on raising funds
to pay for further training for the Animal Control Officer and Schneider
asked about the possibility of billing municipalities for picking up animals.
They're trying to cut down on the number of trips they make to retrieve
animals from the temporary shelters in the cities and villages.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Wheeler, to accept the update on Shelter operations for May, 2006. Carried.
Gruber provided the committee with information on a driving simulator which would be used to train highway department employees, sheriff's department employees and other county employees who operate county vehicles. The committee was also updated on some possible ways to pay for the machine were Sauk County to purchase it in 2006.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to approve payment of the Sheriff's
Department's May, 2006, expenses in the amount of $83,596.37.
Motion carried.
The bid from Jones New World is $24,875 for a 2006 Lund 1800 Pro V IFS with a Shorelander roller trailer. The price of the boat and trailer is $24,875, including the rigging, and the trade allowance for the 1996 Spectrum is $4,000, leaving a final cost of $20,875.
The bid from Mercury Marine of Fond du Lac, state bid pricing, is $10,033 for a Mercury 175 XL Verado motor.
A grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will repay 20% per year for five years the total cost of the boat, boat trailer and rigging and the motor. Replacement of the boat was a 2006 budgeted item.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Wheeler, to accept the bid of Jones New
World Sports, Inc., for the purchase of a 2006 Lund 1800 Pro V IFS for
an after trade cost of $20,875; and a Mercury Verado 175 XL 4 stroke outboard
motor from Mercury Marine of Fond du Lac for $10,033, government bid price;
and to take a resolution authorizing the purchase to the Sauk County Board
of Supervisors at the June, 2006, meeting.
Motion carried.
Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Wheeler, to authorize selling the used
radios and using the proceeds to offset the matching funds for the Homeland
Security Grant for replacement of 38 radios, and to take the recommendation
to the Sauk County Finance Committee.
Motion carried.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to authorize
sending four Sauk County employees to the training conference
in November, 2006, and to take a resolution to the Sauk
County Board of Supervisors at a later time when the fiscal
note can more accurately reflect the cost of air fare.
Motion carried.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to approve
the resolution Authorization to Accept a Grant from State
of Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance for a Wisconsin
Justice Information Sharing Program (WIJIS) and to take
the resolution to the Sauk County Board of Supervisors
at the May, 2006, meeting.
Motion carried.
The May reports for electronic monitoring and out-of-county revenues weren't available. Copies will be mailed to committee members when they're received.
Changes in the release of persons arrested for domestic abuse may result in people being held longer before being released. Sheriff Stammen was expecting to hear from Judge Evenson soon on the matter.
There are 44 people enrolled in the inmate educational programs for the spring semester. Since initiation of the program 19 people have earned a GED while in custody.
Nothing to report
The number of fatal car crashes for 2006 stands at three.
Field Service personnel are working three highway safety grants for alcohol, speed and the click-it program, which is for seat belt usage.
Christine Swanson has been hired as a full-time jail nurse.
Sandra Vazquez has been hired as a jailor. Vazquez is fluent in Spanish.
Three squads due for trade have had their transmissions go out.
The overtime report for May is not complete. It will be mailed to the committee members.
There were no Triple III reports for May regarding employee injuries or equipment damage.
Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Tollaksen, to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted: Robert Sinklair, Secretary
(notes taken by B. Manning)