Others present: Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, Carol Gasser, Michelle Koehler, Judi Briggs, Lowell Haugen, Betty Hinze, Randy Stammen
Finance Committee Chairman Dippel called the meeting to order
at 8:30 a.m. Certification that the open meeting requirement
was met. Motion by Tollaksen, second by Fordham to adopt the
Motion carried.
It was the consensus of the committee that Chairman Dippel chair this joint committee.
Koehler reviewed historical increases in non-represented and elected officials' pay. Schauf reminded the committees that Sauk County is currently under a levy limit, and there are uncertainties about future limits on the County's ability to fund increases. Specifically, the minimum tax levy increase is 478,000 (2% increase). It is likely that the formula provided by the state will allow for a greater increase, however it is unknown at this time what that increase will be. A 3% across the board increase in wages is $734,845, a 15% increase in health insurance is $762,812. It is hoped that the health insurance rate will be less than projected 15%. The Committee discussed additional time spent by the County Clerk on statewide voter registration. Betty Hinze, Coroner, discussed the amount of time she spends on her job. Randy Stammen, Sheriff, concurred about the amount of time and odd hours spent on their tasks. There was discussion about setting pay at levels of similar positions in the County.
Motion by Montgomery, second by Alexander to set the 2007
Sheriff's base salary at $75,000.
Motion carried.
Motion by Meister, second by Montgomery to set the 2007 Coroner's
base salary at $45,000.
Motion carried.
Motion by Bychinski, second by Wenzel to set the 2007 County
Clerk's base salary at $56,000.
Motion carried.
Motion by Meister, second by Tollaksen to increase the elected
officials (Clerk of Courts, Coroner, County Clerk, Register
of Deeds, Sheriff, Surveyor and Treasurer) salaries for each
year of the applicable term of office by 3.00%, with the percentage
increase provided to the previously established base salaries
of the Sheriff, Coroner and County Clerk.
Motion carried.
Motion by Fordham, second by Tollaksen to increase non-represented
salaries by 3.00% for 2007.
Motion carried.
Motion by Bychinski, second by Meister to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:29 a.m.