Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Room B24
West Square Building
Present: White, Clement, Haugen, Kreigl, Schlender, Hannah, Horenberger
Absent: None
Also Present: Bodendein, Lally, Steve Sorenson, Todd Leibman, Konkel, Muhlenbeck, media and general public
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by White and compliance with the open meeting law was noted.
Moved by Horenberger, seconded by Haugen to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
Moved by Horenberger, seconded by Haugen to approve the minutes of the
June, 14, 2006 Public Health Board, There were two errors: 1) In paragraph
three, beginning second sentence, under "Consideration of permit application
pursuant to Sauk Co. Code ch. 27 of Bid Dad's Big Cats rescue Inc. and
Jeff Kozlowski" Attorney Olson's name was mispelled. 2) In paragraph
9, first sentence, in the same business item, Consensus was misspelled.
Motion carried.
Muhlenbeck handed out two documents:
There were no business items.
White explained that the board had given Kowlowski 30 days to bring back a plan and a definite time table as to when the Big Cats were going to be moved from their present location and a report on a meeting that was to take place between Kozlowski's structural engineer and MP (2), the firm hired by the County to assess the structural integrity of the fencing that holds the big cats.
Attorney Olson spoke first, explaining that the structural engineer's meeting could not take place till 7/26/06 because of scheduling conflicts. Olson asked for a one month extension. The purpose of the meeting of the two structural engineers was to try and come to some middle ground as to the recommendations of improving the structure of the fencing of the big cats on Kozlowski/Carroll property.
Muhlenbeck informed Kozlowski and Attorney Olson that, the report was only part of the reason why they asked for 30 day extension. Muhlenbeck asked for a report as to the timeline that was to be given as to when the big cats were going to be removed. Kozlowski reported that the negotiations with one of the businesses "fell through" and that he was still looking for another business in the Dells to talk to about relocating the big cats in the Dells, but Kozlowski has not found anyone interested in relocating the big cats. Kozlowski asked for a 60 day delay of the abatement order to keep trying to relocate the big cats. After the 60 days if he can't find anyone in the Dells to relocate his cats, he will start trying to find places that will take his big cats.
Steve Sorenson said that the Zoning Administrator is not interested in giving a special permit to keep the Big Cats on a temporary basis. Sorenson indicated and they would have to ask for a complete rezone of property.
Moved by Haugen, seconded by Horenberger to deny a permit for keeping
wild and dangerous animals, Sauk County will issue an abatement order that
encompasses the meetings The Sauk County Public Health Board has had so
far with Kozlowski and Attorney Olson on this issue, and the cats must
be removed within 60 days.
Motion passes unanimously.
Considerable discussion regarding the monthly health reports. Moved by
Haugen, seconded by Hannah to add the monthly reports to the minutes of
the meeting.
Motion carried.
Moved by Haugen, seconded by Clement to approve paying the June vouchers
totaling $34,248.15.
Motion carried.
Haugen handed out reports on meetings he had attended and discussed public health issues.
Next Board of Public Health meeting is set for 08/09/06.
Moved by Haugen, seconded by Horenberger to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Sandra Schlender, Secretary