Public Health Board

DATE: Wednesday, August 9, 2006

ENT Room, 3rd Floor

Present: White, Clement, Haugen, Kreigl, Schlender, Hannah, Horenberger

Absent: None

Also Present: Bodendein, Konkel, Muhlenbeck, Linette Gurgel and Laurie Haselblag

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by White and compliance with the open meeting law was noted.

Moved by Clement, seconded by Schlender to adopt the agenda with adding a "public comment" section before communications. Also to add "Copy Machine discussion" and "Influenza charge for 2006" discussion under Business Items.
Motion carried.

Moved by Schlender, seconded by Hannah to adopt the minutes of July 12, 2006.
Motion carried.


Laurie Hasenblag commended the Board on the professional attitude of the Board last month, and thanked them for making the decision to order the removal of the restricted animals from the Carroll property in 60 days.


Muhlenbeck had to communications this month.


Muhlenbeck informed the Board that the salesman for Rhyme supplies informed her that as of the end of August they will no longer write a contract for the copy machine. The machine is too old that Rhyme is not able to get parts. Muhlenbeck said that she had asked Rhyme to submit a proposal for a new copy machine. Muhlenbeck also talked with Kathy Schauf regarding this issue and Schauf suggested to look at the State Contracts for copiers. Muhlenbeck found similar copy machines through state contracts that are considerably cheaper than was quoted by Rhyme. Board requested Muhlenbeck to inquire as to the maintenance of the state contract machines and to bring back more information next month and put the copy machine issue on the agenda as an action item.

Muhlenbeck informed the Board that she would like to increase the cost of providing influenza vaccine from $20 to $22 because the cost of the vaccine increased. Muhlenbeck asked the Board to look over the information provided and she will put it as an action item on next months agenda.

Muhlenbeck distributed to the Board a preliminary department budget for 2007. Considerable discussion followed regarding the budget. Muhlenbeck will but the acceptance of the 2007 Budget by the Board of Public Health on the agenda for next month as an action item.


  1. Moved by Haugen, seconded by Clement to add the monthly reports to the minutes of the meeting. Motion carried.
  2. Moved by Haugen, seconded by Hannah to approve paying the July vouchers totaling $29,934.53. Motion carried.
  3. Muhlenbeck informed the Board that the Corporation Counsel's from the five County Bioterrorism Consortium (Adams, Columbia, Juneau, Marquette, Sauk) will meet on 8/23/06 to discuss the process of terminating the consortium.
  4. Muhlenbeck informed the Board that Mr. Kozlowski has 22 restricted animals now instead of 23. Mr. Kozlowski informed Cindy Neiss, USDA inspector that he put a young male lion in a pen with two young female tigers and the two female tigers attacked the lion and killed him. Lally has made two visits to the property the Mr. Kozlowski, this past month and has observed very little shading has been provided to the animals to get them out of the direct sun. Lally will continue to monitor the situation and report to the proper authorities the possible neglect of the animals. Mr. Kozlowski has till 9/10/06 to come in compliance with the violation notice and abatement order as well as the planning and zoning order. The Board asked that Muhlenbeck start looking for homes for the animals if necessary. The public asked to speak and were allowed to make their comments.
  5. Haugen reported WALHDAB legislative issues.

Next Board of Public Health is scheduled for 9/13/06 at 6 p.m.

Moved by Clement, seconded by Kriegl to adjourn.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Sandra Schlender, Secretary