Present: White, Clement, Haugen, Kreigl, Schlender, Hannah, Horenberger
Absent: None
Also Present: Bodendein, Lally, Todd Liebman, Bonnie Konkel, Muhlenbeck Joyce Smidl (WIC Director) and general public
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by White and compliance with the open meeting law was noted.
Moved by Schlender, seconded by Kreigl to adopt the agenda, moving "C" Possible
approval to hire a part time dietetic technician for WIC to right after #"5" on
the agenda.
Motion carried.
Moved by Clement, seconded by Kreigl, to adopt the minutes of the previous meeting, with the following changes:
Muhlenbeck handed out to the Board, brochures that are being distributed to the public regarding preparedness and how the public can prepare.
Liebman informed the Board that he had received a letter from Mr. Jeffrey Scott Olson, attorney for Jeff Kozlowski and that he would read the letter, however the Board felt that they would be hearing from Mr. Olson and Mr. Kozlowski the essence of the letter therefore did not feel Liebman needed to read the letter.
Muhlenbeck informed the Board that a copy machine was purchased and was not brought before the Board because the cost of the copy machine was less than $5,000 and did not need Board approval.
Appearance by Jeff Kozlowski, regarding Big Dad's Big Cats Rescue, Inc.
Mr Kozlowski explained to the board that his lawyer and Mr. Behnke would speak
to the Board regarding his request to extend the deadline when he would need
to get his animals removed. He felt that his proposal to Rock Springs to
annex property, so he could move his Big Cats, was going well but it would
take time to get everything in order. He passed around his proposed fencing
that he would use and described some of his visions on how well the proposed
structures would be made. Kozlowski also stated that a petition was sent
around to over 100 residents of Rock Springs and 99% were in favor of the
proposed annexation.
Attorney Olson, read the letter he sent to Liebman, describing what had happened at the August 21, 2006 Rock Springs Village Board meeting. He was unable to give any specific time frames as to when the Big Cats would be moved. He explained that Rock Springs Village Board meeting scheduled for 9/18/06 would be the one where a decision will be made regarding annexing land to allow Mr. Kozlowski to build his sanctuary.
Harlen Behnke presented milestones that Big Cats Rescue were using to progress with relocating the big cats. Behnke stated that the most important milestone was next Monday's Village of Rock Springs Board meeting because 5/7 of the votes need to be in favor of the proposed annexation, if there is not 5/7 vote, than there would be no annexation.
There were numerous people interested in talking to the board. Moved by Kreigl,
seconded by Haugen to allow public comment.
Motion carried.
Dorothy Coens described Rock Springs as a community with heart and felt that placing the Big Cats in Rock Springs was a good move.
Robert Valek, Village of Rock Spring member, felt it would be a mistake to annex property. He felt that concrete plans need to be in place before Rock Springs would annex the property. He stated, as yet, the Village Board has not seen any concrete plans.
Chuck Kissick, Rock Springs Village Board President, questioned Kozlowski regarding his insurance. Kozlowski said he let the insurance lapse on his big cats. Kissick said he only has one vote, but was not in favor of annexation.
Junior Gurgle, resident of Rock Springs commented that he was not in favor of annexation.
Bob McFarlin, owner of property in front of present location of Big Dads Big Cats. He felt it was time for the County to make a decision and stick with it.
Laurie Hasenbalg resident of excelsior township commented that this issue has torn apart the residents in the village of Rock Springs and residents of excelsior township and that it was time for the County to move forward with their decision of enforcing the order of removal of the big cats.
Woody Anderson, resident of excelsior township commented that although the big cats were beautiful animals, they did not belong in their present location.
Possible approval of dissolution of Consortium 6 of the State Public Health
Preparedness program. Liebman presented the Resolution that the five Corporation
Counsel of Adams, Columbia, Juneau, Marquette and Sauk County drafted. Considerable
discussion followed regarding the funding of the program and that dissolving
means there will be a $35,000 cut to the five county public health members
of the consortium. Muhlenbeck stated that Sauk County would be able to function
with the cut. It will mean that instead of receiving $127,000 + that Sauk County
will receive $103,000 +, and that we will still be able to meet the State objectives
for 2007. Moved by Clement, seconded by Horenberger to approve the resolution
of dissolution of the Bioterrorism consortium and providing for the disposition
of assets and liabilities. Ayes: Clement, Horenberger, Kreigl, White, Schlender.
Nays: Haugen.
Motion carried.
Item "C" was dealt with first.
Next meeting was set for 10/11.2006 at 6 p.m..
Moved by Horenberger, seconded by Haugen to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Sandra Schlender, Secretary