Public Health Board

DATE: Wednesday, December 13, 2006

ETN, West Square Building

Present: White, Hannah, Haugen, Schlender, Horenberger

Absent: Clement, Kreigl

Also Present: Bodendein, Lally, Brian Bridgeford (BNR), Wolff, Muhlenbeck

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. and compliance with the open meeting law was noted.

Moved by Haugen, seconded by Horenberger to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.

Moved by Schlender, seconded by Hannah to approve the agenda with the following changes: Under "Communications" first paragraph, last word should be policies rather than policy's.
Motion carried.


Muhlenbeck handed out two reports.

  1. Smoke Free News
  2. Newsbrief for NALBOH.


There were no business items.


  1. Moved by Haugen, seconded by Hannah to add the monthly reports to the minutes of the meeting. Motion carried.
  2. Moved by Haugen, seconded by Horenberger to approve paying the November vouchers totaling $66,227.05.
    Motion carried.
  3. Lally discussed with the Board the importance of becoming Agents of the State for the Department of Agriculture. Moved by Haugen, seconded by Schlender to approve moving forward with becoming Agents of the State for the Department of Agriculture. Muhlenbeck with work with Todd Liebman developing a resolution and accompanying Ordinance.
    Motion carried.
  4. Muhlenbeck and Bodendein informed the Board that they are continuing to work with the Dentists in Sauk County to see the clients that are in pain and in need of dental care at no charge. The Dentists are continuing to discuss this issue and will contact Muhlenbeck by 12/22/06 for further discussions.
  5. E. Moved by Hannah, seconded by Horenberger to increase the foot clinic rate to $20 per client. The reason for the increase is due to the increase in the home health aide and registered nurses wages. This $2 increase should be enough to keep this rate at $20 per client till 2009.
    Motion carried.
  6. Haugen reported on WALHDAB issues.
  7. Wolff informed the Board that the State Division of Health has a new program that will allow physicians and public health to bill for services rendered for TB patients. The program is entitled "TB Dispensary". The reason for the program is intended to allow for better follow up of TB clients. Moved by Haugen, seconded by Hannah to approve Sauk County Health Department for become a TB Dispensary.
    Motion carried.

White informed the Board that the next regularly scheduled meeting will be 1/10/07 at 6 p.m.

Moved by Hannah, seconded by Schlender to adjourn.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Sandra Schlender