DATE: February 6, 2006
Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Al Dippel, Larry Volz, Marty Krueger, Katherine Zowin
Others Present: Timothy Stieve, Carl Gruber, Cynthia Engelhardt, Pat Carignan, Sue Nagelkerk, UW Extension; Lerna Mae Weise, Neah Lohr, Marlene Schulte and Betty Waldeinger of Home & Community Education
Committee talked about driver training for the Sheriff's department and Gruber will be meeting with them next week. Discussion took place on the driving simulator program, the cost of it and how both Highway and Sheriff's department could use it. Gruber suggested sharing this program with several other counties, thereby sharing the cost. He will get more information for next month's meeting.
Departmental Updates - Tim Stieve, Buildings & Safety
During the week of February 20, there will be some demos on new 9-1-1 equipment.
Stieve met with VARC and Doug Blakeslee and Stieve showed a proposed schmematic for the VARC expansion. Stieve presented a resolution authorizing Blakeslee Cameron Architects to complete the VARC expansion. Motion by Zowin, second by Volz to approve the resolution. Carried.
The decorative stone on the front of the Courthouse appears to be leaning and Stieve is getting pricing to fix it.
Spacing issues on the 4th floor - Human Services wants to put a wall up in a particular room for more office space. Stieve had a meeting with them recently and informed them that there is no money in the budget for this, so he is looking at some options such as taking out some of the walls. Krueger offered to take a look at the floor plan.
Starting next week, Johnson Controls will be upgrading our controls, on a time and material basis.
Chiller maintenance is being completed, with about 1000 tubes cleaned.
Zowin requested a thank you letter be written to go to the donators of the money for the chain link fence that was erected at the Sauk County Humane Society. Stieve will draft a letter.
Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt, February 7, 2006