The Baraboo Range Commission met in a rescheduled regular session at 8:30 AM., April 12, 2006 at the Sauk County West Square Building in Baraboo, Wisconsin.
Members present: Ashford, Hartmann, Persche, Statz, Steinhorst, Turnquist and Wenzel. Also present: Dave Tremble, Sauk County Planning and Zoning, and Audrey Parker.
Chairperson Ashford brought the meeting to order at 8:32 AM., and asked members to review the meeting agenda. Motion to adopt the agenda as presented by Hartmann, second by Steinhorst. Motion carried.
Ashford asked members to review minutes from the Febraury 22, 2006 meeting.
Motion to adopt the minutes by Wenzel, second by Turnquist.
Motion Carried.
Tremble asked for comments on the Draft Annual Report discussed
at the February meeting.
None were offered. Wenzel moved to approve the Annual Report,
second by Turnquist. Motion Carried. The Anual Report will
be submitted to the Planning, Zoning and Land Records Committee as
part of the annual budget process.
Tremble distributed copies of the draft enforcement letter
prepared in response to the Gerd and Ursula Muehllehner
conservation easement violation reported to the Commission in February.
Tremble read the letter. Turnquist moved to approve the letter
as written, second by Hartmann.
Motion Carried.
Turnquist moved to convene a closed session, pursuant to s. 19.85 (1)(e):
Deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing
of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever
competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session." For the
purpose of discussing negotiations with private landowners. Second by Persche.
Motion Carried unanimously.
The Commission convened in closed session. Members present for the closed session: Ashford, Hartmann, Persche, Statz, Steinhorst, Turnquist and Wenzel. Also present: Dave Tremble, Sauk County Planning and Zoning.
The Commission returned to open session immediately following the closed session.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday April 27, 2006.
Motion to adjourn by Turnquist, second by Statz.
Motion Carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted: Dave Tremble, Sauk County Dept. Of Planning and Zoning