Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee

DATE: Tuesday, January 24, 2006
9:00 A.M.
3rd Floor - County Board Room
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI



  1. Call to order and certify compliance with open meetings law.
  2. Adopt Agenda.
  3. Adopt minutes of previous meeting(s).
  4. Communications.
  5. Business items
  6. Departmental Updates: Mapping
    1. Monthly Report.
    2. Review and approval of vouchers.
  7. Departmental Updates:Register of Deeds
    1. . Monthly report.
    2. . Review and approval of vouchers.
  8. Departmental Updates: Surveyor
    1. . No report.
  9. Departmental updates: Planning & Zoning
    1. Monthly report.
    2. Discussion and action to approve the rezoning request (petition 21-2005) as filed by the Kraemer Company, LLC and Gary and Diane Moseman, property owners, in the Town of Troy. A public hearing was held on this request on December 27, 2005 and was tabled pending Town of Troy action.
    3. Discussion and action to approve staff attendance at the WOWRA conference in Eau Claire on February 19-20.
    4. Review and approval of vouchers.
  10. Public Hearing: To begin at approximately 9:30 A.M. (Committee to consider and take possible action at the conclusion of each respective hearing).
    1. Petition # 3-2006 - A petition to repeal the current Chapter 41 “Regulating the Height of Structures and Trees in the Vicinity of the Tri-County Regional Airport, Lone Rock, Sauk County, Wisconsin” of the Sauk County Code of Ordinances and recreate as Chapter 41 “Airport Zoning Ordinance for the Tri-County Airport”. The newly create Airport Zoning Ordinance will incorporate the height limitation map adopted by the Sauk County Board of Supervisors on provisions that regulate certain land uses within close proximity to the Tri-County Airport, with specific attention to the runway and departure areas. The land affected by the newly created ordinance is located within three miles of the Tri County Airport near Lone Rock, including lands within Sauk, Richland and Iowa Counties, Wisconsin.
  11. Next meeting (Tuesday, February 14, 2006)
  12. Adjournment

COPIES TO: County Clerk Schauf Pate Bailey Gaalswyck Wiese Lehman Ashford Sprecher Dederich Liebman The Kraemer Company Town Clerks Town Chairpersons Higgs

DATE NOTICE MAILED: January 18, 2006

PREPARED BY:Lance Gurney, Planning & Zoning Department>