Board of Adjustment
DATE: April 27, 2006
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
Board Room
Sauk County West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI. 53913
- Call to order, certification of open meetings notice.
- Approval of agenda.
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting.
- Communications.
- Board of Adjustment public hearing beginning at 9:00 a.m.
- D. L. Gasser Construction, (SP-13-06). The applicant is requesting
a special exception permit pursuant to s. 7.05(2)(k)19
to authorize the renewal to a permit to operate a quarry.
The property is zoned Agricultural, on real estate described
as: S3782, 3783, 3852 and S3899 Fox Hill Rd., part of the N ½ and
part of the NW ¼, SE ¼,
section 22, T12N, R6E, Town of Baraboo, tax parcels 002-0682,
0683 and 0685.
- Darren Bochler, (SP-14-06). The applicant is requesting
a special exception permit pursuant to
s. 8.08(3)(a) to authorize the filling and grading within
300 feet of the Baraboo River. The property is located
in the Shoreland District and described as: E8500 Diamond Hill Rd.,
part of the NW ¼, NE ¼,
section 44, T11N, R5E, Town of Freedom, tax parcel 016-0067.
- Kurt Andreasen, (SP-15-06). The applicant is requesting a variance
pursuant to s. 7.18(3)(b) and 8.06(1)(c)2 to authorize
the construction of a detached garage within the minimum
road setback. The property is zoned Single Family and
located in the Shoreland Protection District on real estate described
as: E4727 La Valle Rd., lot 28 Jay addition to Lake Redstone, part
of the NW ¼,
NE ¼,
section 12, T13N, R3E, Town of La Valle, tax parcel,
- Dennis Plantenberg, (SP-16-06). The applicant is requesting
a special exception permit pursuant to s. 7.05(2)(k)19
to authorize the renewal of a permit to operate a mineral
extraction site. The property is located in the Agricultural District
on real estate described as: part of the NW ¼,
SE ¼ and the SW ¼, NE ¼, section 6, T13N, R3E,
Town of La Valle, tax parcels 024-0125 and 0150.
- The Kraemer Company, (SP-17-06). The applicant is requesting
a special exception permit pursuant to s. 7.05(2)(k)19
to authorize the renewal of a permit to operate a mineral
extraction site. This property is located in the Agricultural
District on real estate described as: part of the N ½,
SE ¼ section 1, T10N, R3E, Town of Franklin, tax parcels 014-0485,
and 0487.
- Michael Mossman & Lisa Hartman, (SP-18-06). The applicant
is requesting a variance pursuant to s. 7.18(3)b to authorize
the construction of an addition to an existing residence within the
minimum road setback. The property is zoned Exclusive Agricultural
and described as: S8440A Hemlock Rd., part of the SE ¼, SW ¼,
section 18, T10N, R5E, Town of Honey Creek, tax parcel 020-0706.
- Darwin & Mary Zick, (SP-19-06). The applicant is requesting a
special exception permit pursuant to s. 8.08(3)(d) to authorize
filling and grading on slopes of more than twenty percent within 1000 feet
of Lake Wisconsin.. The property is located in the Shoreland District,
on real estate described as: E12017 Gruber's Grove Rd., lot 2 CSM 5322,
part of the SE ¼, SE ¼, section 24, T10N, R6E, Town of
Sumpter, tax parcel 034-0368.
- Steve Higgins, (SP-20-06). The applicant is requesting
a special exception permit pursuant to s. 7.08A(2)(b)2,
5, 13, 16 and 17 to authorize the operation of a recreational
campground and related activities. The property is located
in the Recreational-Commercial District on real estate
described as: E11740, E11790B, E11844 and E11896 County
Road DL, part of SW ¼, section
12 and part of the N ½, NW ¼, section 13, T11N, R6E,
Town of Baraboo, tax parcels 002-0343, 0343-1, 0349, 0350,
0350-1, 0350-4, 0373, 0378 and 0384.
- Possible viewing of sites with the time and location
to be announced at the hearing. Viewing
will take place the date of the hearing prior to adjournment.
- Adjournment.
COPY TO: Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk (for distribution)
Town Clerk (Towns involved)
Board of Adjustment Members
Sauk County Planning and Zoning Office
NOTICE PREPARED BY: Sauk County Planning and Zoning March 30, 2006