Agriculture and Extension Education Committee

DATE: October 30, 2007

Members Present: Wiese, Cassity, Borleske,
Guests Present: None
Advisory Committee Members: None
UWEX Staff Present: Jens, Varney, Brusveen

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 AM by Chair Wiese.

Certification of Open Meeting Notice
Requirements of the Open Meeting Law were met.

Approval of Agenda
Motion made by Borleske, second by Cassity to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting
Motion made by Borleske, second by Cassity to approve the minutes of the last meeting.
Motion carried.

Correspondence - None

Bills and Financial Report
A written summary was submitted to all members of the committee for approval of the October invoices. Motion by Borleske, second by Cassity to pay these bills. Motion carried.

Staff Update
After September's meeting the staff discussed ways that reports could be presented to the Ag Committee. Jens gave them a list of proposed ideas. After discussion it was decided that each Agent will submit a written quarterly report on the more important projects they are working on and the impact of that project, both immediate and future. Agents will continue to give verbal presentations on a rotating schedule. Jens will draw up a schedule for the Agents to give their report.

Chancellor's Visit Recap
A discussion of the Chancellor's visit in September was held. Everyone agreed that it was a very successful day. The Chancellor really enjoyed his visit and indicated he would like to come back to do a project with some members next spring.

Department Update
Nagelkerk was not in attendance, but sent a note letting the Committee know that she was in a three-day training on "Powerful Tools for Caregivers". She also reported that she had talked with Commission on Aging and that they were very excited that she was going to this training.

There was a note from Dick Pedersen that asked if we could schedule our Annual Meeting/Performance Review by mid-March. It was decided to schedule this meeting on February 19, 2008 at 9:30 AM in the ETN Room of the West Square Building.

Varney reported that she is scheduled to do classes at four schools and one Headstart Class every month. She is also doing visits with various food pantries and Hope House. She also reported that interviews for a new position will be held on November 5. With this new position, she is hoping to get more classes started.

Brusveen told of the following events that will be happening starting in January: Dairy Road Show (in cooperation with Richland County), January 11; Dairy Reproduction Workshop (working with Doug Marshall) which will be a two-day workshop; Pesticide Certification Workshops; Heart of the Farm program in February which she is partnering with Sauk County HCE; dairy facilities tour which will be held in March.

Jens very proudly reported that her portfolio has been passed at the first level. We are all so very proud of her!

Next Regular Meeting: November 26 at 9:30 AM - ETN Room - West Square Building


Submitted by,

Jessica Jens
SaukCounty UW Extension CO-Department Head