Board of Supervisors

DATE: September 18, 2007

West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #326, Baraboo, Wisconsin, 53913.

•  Call to order: 6:00 p.m.

•  Compliance with Open Meeting Law.

•  Roll call: Present: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger.

•  Invocation and pledge of allegiance.

Chair Krueger:

1. Regarding legal opinion from Corporation Counsel dated 10/18/05 in relation to Supervisors addressing the Board. Supervisor Wheeler requested the Executive & Legislative Committee address a mechanism where County Board members can address items not on the County Board agenda.

2. Ordinance #108-07 moved to first item under resolutions and ordinances.

•  Approve amended agenda, and moving Ordinance #108-07 to first item: Moved (Tollaksen/Bychinski). Motion carried unanimously .

Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk, with corrections to minutes of previous session: page 2, spelling correction to last name of the Assistant Corporation Counsel, "Kleczek"; page 6, Ordinance #94-07, correction to AYES vote total, "27", NAYES vote total, "2", and move "Fordham and White to NAYES.

•  Approve minutes of previous session, with corrections: Moved (Tollaksen/Gaalswyk). Motion carried unanimously .

•  Scheduled appearances:

1.) Joe Van Berkel, County Conservationist: Weed Champion Awards, recognizing work combating invasive species.

2.) Benny Stenner, Chair, Town of Spring Green: Ordinance No. 108-07 Approving With Changes The Rezoning Of Lands In The Town Of Spring Green From An Agricultural To A Single Family Residential And Resource Conservancy 5 Zoning District filed Upon The Town Of Spring Green, Benny Stenner, Town Chairperson. Alene Kleczek, Assistant Corporation Counsel, with opinion that a public hearing is held at county level, not a township level.

3.) Robert A. Lefeber, Virchow Krause: Central Services Analysis overview

•  Public Comment:

Ellen Jessen, Madison, regarding opening Pod A at the Sauk County Jail.

Township of Spring Green citizens Dennis Polivka, William Mertens, Jerry Schmidt, Alaine Schmidt, G. E. Bernhagen, Herman Kaldenberg, Dean DuCharme, Gary Stormer, Mike Birr, Patricia Dickinson, Tom Halverson, Lee Phillip, James Hatfield, Pat Frischolz, Paul Pratt, Mark Berg, Milo Mercer; and Fred Lausly, representing Township of Spring Green Plan Commission: Regarding Ordinance No. 108-07 Approving With Changes The Rezoning Of Lands In The Town Of Spring Green From An Agricultural To A Single Family Residential And Resource Conservancy 5 Zoning District filed Upon The Town Of Spring Green, Benny Stenner, Town Chairperson.

•  Communications.

1. Invitation from Tim Lowe, Executive Director of Boys & Girls Club Baraboo/Sauk County, to attend "Day For Kids" on Saturday, September 15, 2007; and requesting endorsement of a proclamation.

2. Letter from State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, regarding training session for participation in the 2007-08 DNR Gypsy Moth Suppression Program.

3. Letter from Judy B. Klemm, Klemm's Pikes Peak, Inc., regarding posting meeting agendas to the Sauk County web site in a timely manner.

4. E-mail from Mary Merlie, Spring Green, in support of Ordinance No. 108-07 Approving With Changes The Rezoning Of Lands In The Town Of Spring Green From An Agricultural To A Single Family Residential And Resource Conservancy 5 Zoning District filed Upon The Town Of Spring Green, Benny Stenner, Town Chairperson.

5. Letter from J.A. Hines, State Representative, 42nd Assembly District, regarding 2008 State Budget.

6. Petition from property owners in the Township of Spring Green in opposition to Ordinance #108-07 Approving With Changes The Rezoning Of Lands In The Town Of Spring Green From An Agricultural To A Single Family Residential And Resource Conservancy 5 Zoning District filed Upon The Town Of Spring Green, Benny Stenner, Town Chairperson. Beverly J. Mielke Sauk County Clerk, stated that the Sauk County Planning & Zoning Department did verify that signatures on the petition constituted 52.8% of affected property owners.

•  Bills & Referrals: None

•  Claims: None.

•  Appointments: Re-appointment of Alan Langeteig as a citizen member to the Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin. 3 year term expires September 21, 2010.

Moved (Wenzel/Fordham), to accept appointment. Vote total: AYES: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion carried unanimously .

•  Unfinished Business: None.

•  Reports, (informational - no action required ) :

•  Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk, rezoning petitions received, per Wisconsin State Statutes 59.69(5)(e)1:

w Petition #11-07 Rezoning request, Township of Excelsior, From RC-5

to Single Family Residential. Filed by Harlan Olson.

w Petition #12-07 zoning text change , Floodplain Zoning Ordinance - Chapter 9 of the Sauk County code of Ordinances.

w Petition #13-07 zoning text change , Nonmetallic Mining Ordinance -

Chapter 24 of the Sauk County code of Ordinances.

w Petition #14-07 zoning text change , Land Division and Subdivision Regulations - Chapter 22 of the Sauk County code of Ordinances - Chapter 22.25 Certified Survey Map Procedure.

w Petition #15-07 zoning text change , Private Sewage System Ordinance - Chapter 25 of the Sauk County code of Ordinances - Chapter 25.03 Definitions.

2. Supervisor Fordham, Chair, Continuum of Care Committee.

3. Supervisor Endres, Chair, Health Care Center Board of Trustees.

4. Supervisor Ashford, Vice-Chair, Executive & Legislative Committee.

5. Marty Krueger, County Board Chair.

6. Kathryn Schauf, Administrative Coordinator .

•  Consent Agenda.


Resolution No. 98-07 Approving Farmland Preservation Program Applications (Schmitz & Whippoorwill Springs Farm Limited Partnership).


Resolution No. 101-07 Opposition To 2007 Assembly Bill 438.


Resolution No. 102-07 Celebrating National Community Planning Month.

Resolution No. 104-07 Supporting The Preservation And Funding Of The Private On-site Wastewater Treatment System Replacement Or Rehabilitation Financial Assistance Program In The 2008-2010 State Budget.


Resolution No. 99-07 Commending Richard Greenwood For More Than 28 Years Of Faithful Service To The People Of Sauk County.

Moved (Bychinski/Netzinger), to approve consent agenda resolutions. Vote total: AYES: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion carried unanimously .

•  Resolutions & Ordinances:

Ordinance No. 108-07 Approving With Changes The Rezoning Of Lands In The Town Of Spring Green From An Agricultural To A Single Family Residential And Resource Conservancy 5 Zoning District filed Upon The Town Of Spring Green, Benny Stenner, Town Chairperson. Moved (Wiese/Gaalswyk), to postpone ordinance until the December 18, 2007 Sauk County Board of Supervisors meeting. Discussion regarding same. Assistant Corporation Counsel Alene Kleczek with opinion that withdrawing the ordinance would require a replacement ordinance and that a public hearing be held; postponing the ordinance to a time certain would not, unless changes are made. Assistant Corporation Counsel Alene Kleczek stated that 3/4 majority vote would still be required if the vote on the ordinance was postponed.

Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk, stated the Petition received from property owners in the Township of Spring Green in opposition to Ordinance #108-07 was verified by the Sauk County Planning & Zoning Department to have signatures of 52.8% of affected property owners; and Chair Krueger stated per State Statutes 59.69(5)(e) 5g, the ordinance would then need ¾ majority vote of the Board members present in order to pass.

Motion (Sinklair/Tollaksen), to call the question on the motion to postpone ordinance. Vote total on motion to call the question: AYES: (22) Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Fordham, Haugen, Endres, Gaalswyk, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (7) Kriegl, Meister, Lehman, Wheeler, Stevens, Carlson, and White. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion to call the question carried .

Vote total on motion to postpone until the December 18,2007 Sauk County Board of Supervisors meeting: AYES: (19) Kriegl, Hartje, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Cassity, Tollaksen, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Endres, Wiese, Sprecher, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, and Krueger. NAYES: (10) Meister, Lehman, Borleske, Bychinski, Volz, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Alexander, and Ashford. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion to postpone ordinance until the December 18, 2007 Sauk County Board of Supervisors meeting carried .



Resolution No. 100-07 Approving Purchase of Development Rights Agreement For The Scott P. Weber and Martha C. Barrett Property Pursuant To The Sauk County Baraboo Range Protection Plan. Moved (White/Hartje). Supervisor Wiese in support of resolution. Vote total: AYES: (21) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Endres, Gaalswyk, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (7) Bychinski, Tollaksen, Volz, Haugen, Stevens, Carlson, and Netzinger. ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Cassity. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion carried .


Resolution No. 100A-07 Establishing the 2008 Health Insurance Program for Sauk County. Moved (Tollaksen/Alexander). Supervisor Tollaksen regarding health insurance proposal. Vote total: AYES: (28) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (0). ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Cassity. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion carried unanimously .


Resolution No. 103-07 Approval Of Sauk County Planning & Zoning Department Grant Application For The Development Of The Sauk County Comprehensive Plan. Moved (Ashford/Wiese). Discussion in support of, and in opposition to grant application. Vote total: AYES: (24) Kriegl, Meister, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (5) Hartje, Lehman, Cassity, Tollaksen, and Volz. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion carried .

Resolution No. 105-07 Amending The Sauk County Planing And Zoning Department's Fee Schedule. Moved (Gaalswyk/Wiese). Discussion regarding fees and services. Vote total: AYES: (19) Kriegl, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (10) Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Haugen, Endres, Stevens, and Netzinger. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion carried .

Ordinance No. 106-07 Approving With Changes the Rezoning Of Lands In The Town Of Baraboo From A Resource Conservancy 35 To A Commercial Zoning District Filed Upon Mike & Tammy Wilm, Property Owners, (Petition 8-2007). Moved (Alexander/Ashford). Discussion regarding rezoning request; area to be rezoned; and purpose of buffer area.

Moved (Kriegl/Stoeckmann), to postpone ordinance until the October 16, 2007 Sauk County Board of Supervisors meeting. Discussion regarding same. Vote total on motion to postpone: AYES: (7) Kriegl, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, and White. NAYES: (22) Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion to postpone failed .

Further discussion regarding rezoning request; area to be rezoned; and purpose of buffer area. Alene Kleczek, Assistant Corporation Counsel, clarification that the purpose of the ordinance is to rezone lands to commercial zoning. Mark Steward, Planning & Zoning Department Director, regarding clarification of area to be rezoned, clarification Appendix C showing buffer area, transition district and mixed use area is informational, and not part of zoning request.

Moved (Tollaksen/Lehman), to the call the question. Vote total on motion to call the question: AYES: (27) Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (2) Kriegl and Wenzel. ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion carried .

Vote total on ordinance: AYES: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Ordinance carried unanimously . Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è 59.69(5)(e)(6), of Wisconsin State Statutes, September 18, 2007.

Ordinance No. 107-07 Approving The Rezoning Of Lands In The Town Of Excelsior From A Resource Conservancy 5 To An Agricultural Zoning District Filed Upon Alvin Astle, Property Owner, (Petition 9-2007). Moved (Lehman/Wiese). Supervisor Lehman regarding rezoning request. Vote total: AYES: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion carried unanimously . Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è 59.69(5)(e)(6), of Wisconsin State Statutes, September 18, 2007.


Resolution No. 109-07 Accepting The Offer Of The State Of Wisconsin Department Of Transportation To Purchase Certain Lands In The Town Of Delton For The Purpose Of Improving U.S. Highway 12. Moved (Hartje/Volz). Supervisor Hartje regarding location of lands. Vote total: AYES: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Cassity, Tollaksen, Volz, Huffaker, Dippel, Wheeler, Fordham, Haugen, Endres, Stevens, Gaalswyk, Carlson, Wiese, Sprecher, Alexander, Sinklair, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Ashford, and Krueger. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (2) Zowin and Horenberger. Motion carried unanimously .

•  Motion (Endres/Tollaksen) to adjourn until Tuesday, October 16, 2007 @ 6:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously .

•  Adjournment: 10:55 p.m.

Original documents on file @ the Office of the Sauk County Clerk

West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo, WI 53913

Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
