DATE: September 21, 2007
Members present: Marty Krueger, Joan Fordham, Bill Wenzel, Don Stevens, Judy Ashford
Others present: Kathy Schauf, Tim Stieve, Steve Pate, Kerry Beghin, Pat Carignan, Wendy Bromley, Virgil Hartje, Lowell Haugen, Larry Volz, Media
The meeting was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 9:00 a.m.
The agenda was approved on a motion by Fordham, second by Ashford.
The committee discussed strategies for moving forward with implementation of the central services organizational study. It was noted that participation by all as we move forward was and is encouraged.
It was determined that each oversight committee working with Department Managers would devise an implementation plan for their respective areas. Department managers would also meet to brainstorm areas of intersection within the report at the departmental level.
A chart would be utilized for cataloging progress, including documentation on portions of the study that are not to be implemented.
It was noted that the process has to be interactive.
Progress reports will be made to Executive & Legislative Committee and to the Board of Supervisors on a regular basis.
A special meeting will be identified where the Executive & Legislative Committee will meet with Virchow Krause and the Department managers to discuss recommendations and the "why" of the recommendations.
Motion by Wenzel, second by Ashford to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Schauf
Administrative Coordinator
On behalf of the Executive and Legislative Committee