DATE: Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Room 213
West Square Building, Baraboo
Members present: Marty Krueger, Joan Fordham, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Bill Wenzel, Tom Kriegl
Others present: Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, Pat Carignan, Terri Radke, Carl Gruber, Cindy Bodendein, Joyce Smidl
Chairman Bychinski called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Certification
of the open meeting requirement was met. Motion by Wenzel, second by Fordham
to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
Motion by Fordham, second by Wenzel
to approve the minutes from previous meetings.
Motion carried.
Consider increase to Clerk of Courts change funds.
Terri Radke, Clerk of Courts Office Manager, requested an
additional $49.75 for each their five cash drawers, for a total of
$248.75. Motion by Fordham, second by Wenzel to approve the increase.
Motion carried.
Carl Gruber, Risk Manager, requested travel for himself and Tim Stieve to Salt Lake City on using the driving simulator. It is an opportunity to receive further training and give the vendor feedback on their machine. The vendor is paying for the lodging, meals, and vehicle rental; the County would only be responsible for employee time and the flight. Fordham asked that any data about Sauk County accident rates be forwarded to the County Board. Motion by Fordham, second by Wenzel to approve travel for two people for $700 total. Motion carried
The storm of February 23 and its cleanup cost a total of $702,199, of which $226,832 was for County roads. Between this storm and other winter costs so far in 2007, the annual budget has $56,806 remaining. The Highway department may cut back on County road maintenance the save dollars elsewhere.
Cindy Bodendein and Joyce Smidl requested changing their soon
vacant dietetic technician position to a registered dietitian.
Having the higher level staff would allow the County to obtain
additional grant funds that require services be provided by a registered
dietitian. Using this staff will also be explored for the Health Care Center
and Commission on Aging. Motion by Kriegl, second by Fordham to approve.
Motion carried.
The Housing Authority may not be able to proceed with the purchase of an apartment building. If the project does proceeds, it is the preference of the Committee to fold a request for funds into budget process.
Consideration and possible resolution for contract for indirect cost allocation
plan services.
Quotes were requested, and two firms responded. Motion by Fordham,
second by Kriegl to sign a one year contract with Sequoia Consulting Group.
Motion carried.
Comments from last month's meeting have been incorporated, and this guidance will become part of the 2008 budget process.
Motion by Krueger, second by Kriegl to postpone these actions until May. Motion carried.
The Committee discussed the results of the business office review, as well as steps taken to make processes work more smoothly.
Carignan updated the Committee on departmental activities.
The County has also begun investing in CDARS, certificates
of deposit account registry service. Motion by Fordham, second
by Kriegl, to approve payment of the Treasurer's invoices in the amount
of $8,500.81.
Motion carried.
Beghin updated the Committee on departmental activities. The
March 22 intergovernmental meeting was reviewed, and there
is significant audit preparation. Motion by Krueger, second
by Wenzel to approve payment of Accounting invoices in the amount of $21,170.63
and county invoices in the amount of $2,894,490.96.
Motion carried.
Motion by Wenzel, second by Fordham to adjourn. Motion carried. The next meeting will be just prior to the County Board session on April 17 to approve payments, and the next regular Finance Committee meeting will be May 8, 2007.
Respectfully Submitted: William F. Wenzel, Secretary