Finance and Personnel Committees

DATE: Friday, June 15, 2007

Rooms 213
West Square Building, Baraboo

Members present: Joan Fordham, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Tom Kriegl, William F. Wenzel (arrived at 8:20 a.m.), Marty Krueger, Scott Alexander, Peter Tollaksen, Tim Meister, Judith Stoeckmann, Henry Netzinger (arrived at 9:00 a.m.)

Others present: Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, Carol Thompson, Michelle Koehler, Judi Briggs, Trish Vandre, Lynn Horkan, Sheriff Randy Stammen, Captain Mike Hafemann, Chief Deputy Chip Meister, Jessica Fry, Bonnie Manning, Lowell Haugen, Vicki Meister, Terri Radke, Todd Liebman, Steve Sorenson, Steve Pate, Dan Brattset, Judy Ashford, Media

Finance Committee Chairman Bychinski called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m. Certification that the open meeting requirement was met. Motion by Tollaksen, second by Alexander to adopt the agenda. Motion carried. It was the consensus of the committees that Chairman Bychinski chair this joint committee.

Motion by Tollaksen, second by Fordham to adopt a resolution authorizing the opening of Unit A to house prisoners from other jurisdictions in the Sauk County Law Enforcement Center.
Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - nay, Krueger - aye
Personnel: Alexander - nay, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - aye, Stoeckmann - nay
Motion failed due to tie vote in the Personnel Committee.

Motion by Stoeckmann, second by Alexander to approve an increase in salaries of 3.00% for Non-Represented employees for annual cost of living effective January 1, 2008. Schauf discussed wage compression and the problems that arise when the difference between wages earned by employees grows too close to the wages earned by their supervisors. Many agree that a total review of the overall pay matrix needs to be done. Krueger recommended a 2.5% increase which keeps the total expense increase including benefits closer to 5%.

Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - nay, Kriegl - aye, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - nay
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - nay, Meister - nay, Stoeckmann - aye
Motion failed due to tie vote in the Personnel Committee.

Motion by Tollaksen, second by Meister to approve an increase in salaries of 2.5% for Non-Represented employees for annual cost of living effective January 1, 2008.
Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - aye, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - aye
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye , Meister - aye , Stoeckmann - aye
Motion carried.

2008 Budget Process - Consideration and discussion of new position and reclassification requests.

Commission on Aging:

Reclassify Account Assistant to Older American's Act Program Lead Worker.
Motion by Tollaksen, second by Wenzel to approve reclassification from Account Assistant to Older American's Act Program Lead Worker.
Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - nay, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - aye
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - aye, Stoeckmann - nay
Motion carried.

Emergency Management:

Reclassify Program Specialist to Deputy Director.
Kathy Schauf noted that Virchow Krause has been hired to analyze the County's central services. Schauf recommended that a decision wait until Virchow Krause's results are presented before approving any changes to central services. Motion by Tollaksen, second by Meister to postpone a decision on Emergency Management's request until after we have the results of the central services study.

Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - aye, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - aye
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - aye, Stoeckmann - aye
Motion carried.


Motion by Tollaksen, second by Meister to postpone a decision on the MIS request until after we have the results of the central services study.
Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - aye, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - aye
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - aye, Stoeckmann - aye
Motion carried.

Planning and Zoning:

Reclassify Support Specialist to Financial Specialist. Changed from simply clerical duties to financial duties and record keeping. The current employee reviews the accuracy of permits, records them in the system, works with budget information, and tracks expenses. This employee has become more of a customer service representative. Motion by Kriegl, second by Alexander to approve the reclassification of Support Specialist to Financial Specialist.
Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - aye, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - aye
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - aye, Stoeckmann - aye
Motion carried.


Sheriff's request was withdrawn.

Circuit Courts:

New Law Clerk. Vicki Meister read a letter from Judge Evenson stating the need for additional staffing. Motion by Tollaksen, second by Fordham to approve the new law clerk position.
Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - aye, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - aye
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - aye, Stoeckmann - aye
Motion carried.

Clerk of Courts:

New Deputy Clerk of Courts. Tim Meister excused himself from the room. Terri Radke spoke about the increase of almost 20% in caseloads. Paperwork used to be processed within 24 hours and now it takes three to four days. Vicki spoke about the changes they are making within the office to make things more up-to-date technologically. Terri stated that revenues have gone up each of the last three years which will help offset the added expense.

Motion by Tollaksen, second by Stoeckmann to approve the new Deputy Clerk of Courts.
Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - aye, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - aye
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - excused, Stoeckmann - aye, Netzinger - aye
Motion carried.

Commission on Aging:

New Aging and Disability Specialist Leadworker, new Nutrition and Prevention Specialist, new Disability Benefit Specialist, and two new Aging and Disability Specialists. Trish Vandre spoke about the Aging and Disability Resource Center. Fordham pointed out that involvement in this program is mandatory, not optional. These positions will be funded by outside dollars, not tax levy. Motion by Fordham, second by Alexander to approve the positions requested by the Commission on Aging.
Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - nay, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - aye Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - aye, Stoeckmann - aye, Netzinger - aye
Motion carried.

Todd Liebman opined on the ability of a committee member who missed an original vote to request that item to be reconsidered and voted on again.

Human Services:

Four new RN Case Managers, Reclassify Social Worker to Children's Program Supervisor, Reclassify Social Worker to Social Work Supervisor LTS, New Social Worker, New RN Supervisor. Dan Brattset discussed the new positions being requested and some restructuring of the department that would happen if these positions are approved. All positions will be solely funded by the revenue generated by the programs or grants leaving no levy impact. Tollaksen emphasized that these positions are a result of long-term care redesign, so their existence is tied to specific funding.
Motion by Krueger, second by Stoeckmann to approve the new positions and reclassifications being requested by Human Services.

Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - nay, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - aye
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - aye, Stoeckmann - aye, Netzinger - aye
Motion carried.

Motion by Kriegl to adjourn. Failed due to lack of second.

Motion by Netzinger, second by Tollaksen to reconsider the resolution to open Unit A to house prisoners from other jurisdictions in the Sauk County Law Enforcement Center based on the fact that he was not present for the original vote.
Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - nay, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - nay
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - aye, Stoeckmann - nay, Netzinger - aye
Motion carried.

Discussion proceeded related to the opening of Unit A. Motion by Krueger, second by Tollaksen to amend the resolution making it a two year project with a review after one year of operations and continuation dependent on the results of operations after two years. Krueger explained the need for isolated record keeping of Unit A during that two year period. Stoeckmann stated that she doesn't believe that revenues have been maximized nor have employees been optimally managed within the Unit B which is currently open. She recommended waiting until we have our current operations working efficiently before compounding the problem by opening another unit. Kriegl discussed improving operations within the jail without opening Unit A.
Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - nay, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - aye
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - aye, Stoeckmann - nay, Netzinger - aye
Motion carried.

Vote on resolution as amended.
Finance: Fordham - aye, Bychinski - aye, Kriegl - nay, Wenzel - aye, Krueger - aye
Personnel: Alexander - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Meister - aye, Stoeckmann - nay, Netzinger - aye
Motion carried.

Motion by Netzinger, second by Wenzel to adjourn the meeting.
Finance: all approved
Personnel: all approved
Motion carried.