The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bychinski at 8:30 a.m. Certification of Open Meeting compliance was given.
Motion by Krueger, second by Wenzel to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Wenzel, second by Bychinski to approve the minutes of previous meetings. Motion carried.
Consider resolution Authorizing the Public Health Department to Accept the Donation of the St. Clare Foundation.
Beghin explained that this has been an ongoing program where the hospital foundation has been contributing towards the cost of vaccines and prescription drugs. Motion by Krueger, second by Wenzel to approve. Motion carried.
Consider request for travel in excess of 300 miles for Sheriff's Department Court Security.
This is training for two deputies in Des Moines from budgeted funds. Motion by Krueger, second by Wenzel to approve the request for travel. Motion carried.
Consider resolution Approving the Acceptance and Disbursement of Homeland Security Interoperability Grant Funds.
Raab explained the intent of the grant funds for communications of Sauk County and some emergency response agencies. The largest portion of the grant will go to the Sheriff's department for replacement mobile radios. Motion by Krueger, second by Wenzel to approve the acceptance and disbursement of Homeland Security Interoperability Grant Funds. Motion carried.
Consideration of Solid Waste budget adjustment for clean sweep.
Grant funds are not expected to help with this year's clean sweep program. The cost of the program will depend on the amount of waste received. In the past, expenses have come up to approximately $60,000. Funds are available within the Solid Waste budget from unused capital outlay. Exact amounts will be reported after the October 5 and 6 event.
Supervisor Kriegl arrived at 8:39
Review of Veteran's Service 2008 budget.
Tyczynski explained that the biggest change for 2008 is moving the transportation program to the Commission on Aging department. This should result in a $24,100 reduction of tax levy request for the Veteran's office. Wenzel asked how well the transportation program was working since combining with COA. Tyczynski explained that there were glitches in the beginning but things seem to be going more smoothly now. Motion by Krueger, second by Wenzel to tentatively approve the Veteran's department budget request for 2008, pending review of all budgets in late September. Motion carried.
Update on possible 2007 budget overage for the Circuit Courts.
The courts have expressed to Beghin their concern over several cases threatening to put their expense lines over budget for 2007. The Hainstock case has cost $37,000 out-of-pocket, most of which will come from the Circuit Court budget to pay for expenses related to the jury.
Review of quarterly accounts receivable reports.
The Home Care division of Public Health is having trouble collecting some of their receivables due to a new computer software program. Strong concerns were expressed about the increasing receivable balances. Beghin will follow up with Public Health and MIS staff to assist making sure any problems are resolved.
Update on financial performance of the Health Care Center:
Krueger announced that there will be a special meeting of the Board of Trustees on Thursday, August 23rd to go thoroughly over the financial reports and budget documents to make the Board members more familiar with the reports they are reviewing each month. The Board of Trustees would like to know what the Finance Committee is looking for from the HCC. Finance members explained that it is difficult to put an exact number to their expectations. Kriegl expressed his desire to see the HCC account information in the budget sorted in a more logical manner. Krueger explained that Mr. West will be done as Interim Superintendent on August 28th. Pending County Board approval, on August 29th, Gunderson and Graham will step in as Interim Superintendents. They will manage the facility as well as implement the new nursing model as recommended by Wipfli.
Update on the 2008 budget process.
Beghin explained that staff are in the process of reviewing the budgets that have come in. She highlighted some of the capital improvement projects that are coming up in the next few years. The Sheriff's shooting range and shoot house were discussed. Opinions differ about when to build it, how much money is really necessary to create a usable practice range, and charges of user fees to assist in the cost of construction.
Kriegl requested a report next month on the usage and rent that has been received so far from the driving simulator.
Kriegl asked Beghin to explain the analysis of the costs of opening Pod A in the jail. It was clarified that start up costs (labor expenses for hiring staff and paying them while they train for 8 weeks) are excluded from the annual operating net positive margin. Kriegl believes that maintenance and medical costs have been underestimated in this analysis. Kriegl also stated his frustration with not maximizing rent of available space in the current Unit.
Kriegl mentioned a State Journal article that shows Dane County Jail system is moving to more minimum security inmates. This is designed to reduce costs because they will rely more on electronic monitoring and less on jail cells.
Treasurer's Department Update.
Motion by Bychinski, second by Wenzel to approve the payment of the Treasurer's bills in the amount of $1,408.77. Motion carried. Carignan announced that her department will be having a GFOA online auction for their next set of investments. This should be a quicker, more efficient way to receive the most competitive interest rates. The five day grace period for real estate tax payments will begin on January 31, 2008. Carignan again talked about the money she expects to save by not mailing out receipts for tax payments. No problems or major complaints have resulted from this change.
Accounting Department Update.
Beghin updated the Committee on departmental activities. Virchow Krause will be here next month to report on the 2006 Audit. Motion by Wenzel, second by Kriegl to approve payment of Accounting invoices in the amount of $95,189.73, and County invoices in the amount of $32,026,646.69 (includes property tax settlement). Motion carried.
Motion by Wenzel, second by Kriegl to adjourn. Motion carried. The next meeting will be just prior to the County Board session on August 21st to approve payments, and the next regular Finance Committee meeting will be on September 11th at 8:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
William F. Wenzel
Finance Committee Secretary