Finance Committee

DATE: September 24, 2007

Supervisors Present: Joan Fordham, Tommy Lee Bychinski, William Wenzel, Thomas Kriegl, Marty Krueger (arrived at 9:30)
Others Present: Kathy Schauf, Kerry Beghin, Carol Herwig, Media

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bychinski at 8:15 a.m. Certification of Open Meeting compliance was given. Motion by Wenzel, second by Fordham to adopt the agenda with changes necessary to leave open a block of time from 10:15 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Presentation, discussion and consideration of budget requests commenced.

District Attorney and Victim Witness:
District Attorney, Pat Barrett, talked about the ever increasing number of OWI cases and the strain that is putting on the whole legal system. Most OWI cases that appear in the DA's office now are not first time offenses. First offenses that occur in a municipality that has their own court system will run through the local court and the county doesn't include those numbers. Also, guilty pleas don't run through the DA's office.

Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission:
Rob Sinklair updated the committee on current projects and improvements that are being made to the rail system.

Building Services, Emergency Management, Insurance Fund, Capital Projects Fund:
Tim Stieve talked about the significant changes that are being requested for 2008. Stieve shifted his salary from the Emergency Management budget to the Building Services budget. The Facility Manager will be changing to a part time position in July 2008. Stieve talked about the outlay projects which include carpet replacement, card access system additions and electrical system updates. Stieve pointed out that the overall expenses in the department are down but the levy request went up. Kriegl pointed out that more hours are being spent to maintain the law enforcement center today than were spent many years ago even though we have the same number of employees. Stieve's department does not charge back to other departments based on where the employee is working.

Marty Krueger arrived at 9:30 AM.

EMPG funding has been going down each year but seems to be holding steady for 2008. Stieve discussed the communications projects that are upcoming. There is a damaged tower on top of the courthouse that needs to be replaced or removed. Placing a tower at the Highway shop will actually improve communications coverage, so they are interested in running fiber optics to the highway shop and placing the new tower at that location. Estimated cost to run fiber optics to the Highway shop is $150,000. Krueger believes that the Highway shop sits on very valuable land. He pointed out that now might not be the right time to spend money to run fiber optics to that location, and property master planning should be completed first.

Kriegl noted that the shoot house is still showing in the budget for 2009. Discussion followed about why the projected dates have been changing, and the most current information is for the project to commence in 2009.

Steve Koenig discussed the Park's department request which is up 3% from 2007. He mentioned the increase in fuel expenses is up almost 15%. Parks would like to replace one of their pickup trucks and purchase some new playground equipment using the last of the Parkland Dedication funds. Some funds from the forestry department will be used to help offset the tax levy for the parks department in 2008.

Child Support:
Karyle Johnson mentioned that salaries are down but contracted services are up. The purchase of a new copier is scheduled for 2008. Johnson noted that some of the funding from the State has been put on hold and will not be received in coming months. Schauf commended Johnson for her efforts to look for ways to keep providing the same services with less staff or for less costs.

Recessed at 10:20 AM, and reconvened at 1:00 PM.

Commission on Aging:
Trish Vandre spoke about the ADRC program and the changes it will bring to the COA department. She also reviewed other programs that will be changing in 2008 but are all grant funded. Levy request is up 2.93% from 2007. Kriegl voiced his concern about the amount of fund balance that is being used, and Vandre explained this was either reappropriation of grant funds or one-time start up costs for the ADRC. Those expenses will not reappear in 2009. Vandre feels confident that future expenses can be supported by a steady tax levy.

County Board:
Discussion followed, noting no changes from prior years.

Kerry Beghin noted that the 2008 budget is fairly consistent from prior years. Beghin mentioned that GASB 45 requires the County to hire an actuary to calculate the County's liability for benefits paid to retirees. MIS chargebacks are up in 2008 to cover the cost of electronic storage of prior years' payroll records.

Administrative Coordinator:
Schauf explained that there was a change in health insurance which resulted in a savings. Funds are included for organizational reviews.

Human Services:
Bill Orth explained the increases being requested for the Human Services department. Orth explained that an increase of 1% was being requested for their providers. 2007 has been a difficult year for mental health expenses. Alternate care is becoming more costly. Treatment foster care is becoming necessary more often because of behavioral problems but is still a better alternative to a group home. W-2 program has ever increasing caseloads. High cost cases (usually involving disabled clients) are being managed in a more cost efficient manner. Long term care is being redesigned. Increased revenue is being found through medical assistance. Kriegl asked if there is an amount that Human Services can put on the additional costs that will be incurred if Pod A is opened and some of those inmates placed here by the State need services. Orth responded that hospitalization costs for inmates in the County jail could be significant depending on how many cases arise and the required length of each stay. Orth recommended that language be included in the contract that spells out who will cover those expenses.

General Non-Departmental:
Schauf noted that many 2008 projections were held steady with the amounts budgeted in 2007.

Solid Waste and Landfill Remediation:
Schauf feels confident that the Landfill will not have any impact on the tax levy.

CDBG - ED Revolving Loans:
There are four loans currently active.

Rental Properties:
This budget is based solely on the rental properties at the Health Care Center. No significant changes will occur in 2008. Questions were raised about the future of this property. Krueger explained his desire to see a County-wide property evaluation done. It is his belief that changes to County property should not be considered on an independent basis but as part of a comprehensive plan.

Register in Probate:
Jim Daniels explained the addition in his budget for the CASA program. Sauk County has not contributed to this program recently but Daniels believes this to be a worthwhile expense.

Debt Service:
2008 budget decreases, but the HCC will have increased debt service expenses that will show up in the HCC budget.

Dog License Fees:
No significant changes for 2008.

Motion by Krueger, second by Wenzel to recess the meeting. Motion carried. 2008 budget presentations will begin at 8:15 a.m. on Tuesday, September 25, 2007.

Respectfully submitted,
William F. Wenzel, Finance Committee Secretary