The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bychinski at 8:15 a.m. Certification of Open meeting compliance was given. Presentation, discussion and consideration of budget requests commenced.
Conservation Congress:
Ken Vertein explained that there has been a change with one delegate. This change has actually given the congress better coverage around the County. Requested amount for 2008 does not cover all of their expenses but delegates are willing to give of their own time and money.
Steve Muchow and Darin Carignan explained that in order to stay ahead of the need, the highway department's goal is to reconstruct 15 miles of road each year. Typically highway spends $600,000 on equipment and vehicles each year. Radios have been replaced a few at a time and now the department is set up to be compliant for the next 20 years. Discussion followed about which roads will be replaced in 2008.
Pat Dederich explained some changes made to the surveyor's budget for 2008. Dederich plans to take on a project that would require him to hire and oversee surveyors assigned with the task of setting corners in various spots around the County. Dederich believes that this is a project that goes above and beyond his normal responsibilities so he has increased one of the wage line items in his department by $10,000 to compensate himself for the additional hours of work that will be required to oversee the project. There is commensurate reduction of $15,000 out of the monumentation maintenance line item. The group discussed the ability to change compensation for an elected official mid-term, and Corporation Counsel will be asked to render an opinion on the matter.
Central Wisconsin Community Action Council:
Fred Hebert informed us that coverage for the front desk at the job center is down due to a decrease in funding. The Council is working to open a homeless shelter. The Council is administrating CDBG grants.
Reedsburg Airport:
Steve Zibell presented the 2008 request for $4,100 which is consistent with last year's appropriation. Management would like to remove one of the hangers so they can install an AWAS landing system. The fire department would like to add a hydrant on the West end of the airport near the hangers. A few new hangers were added last summer. New fuel tanks have been installed. At this point there is no corporate support outside of just rent coming in from the hangers.
Humane Society:
Wendy Schneider noted that animal control calls in August jumped to 123. Bite cases were up to 29 in August. All animals are vaccinated for rabies before they leave the shelter. 1700 animals were taken in this year. Schneider discussed some of the major cases they have dealt with in the past year. 2008 request is up 3% from 2007 to $126,000 plus dog license contributions estimated at $30,000.
Sauk Prairie Airport:
David Landsverk presented the request for $4,000 for 2008 improvements and operations. New lights and portable bathrooms have been added. Airport has benefited from donated time. Lawn is mowed free of charge to the airport. Landsverk reviewed at Fordham's request how the ownership of this airport currently stands.
Sauk County Development Corporation:
Karna Hanna and Merlin Zitzner presented the request for a 4.7% increase over the 2007 request. Wages appear lower than normal in 2006 because Hanna took an unpaid leave of absence for six weeks.
Tri-County Airport:
Marc Higgs explained the airport's condition. All hangers are full. Two new private hangers were built this past summer. Three more are going up this fall. Airport is growing and fuel sales are up 18% which helps with revenues. Instrument approach system is up and running and they are expecting this to impact usage. All new snow removal equipment will be received this fall.
Betty Hinze announced that the Deputy Coroner has resigned and has been replaced by two part-time people. Coroner's request includes the cost of trading in one vehicle for a new one. Hinze says they had over 500 calls in 2006 and there are over 400 already in 2007.
Hope House:
Ellen Allen updated the committee on the number of people who have received services at Hope House. They are pleased that they are able to provide an overnight stay for only $35.52 per night which includes the cost for shelter, food and personal care items. There have been more domestic homicides this year than in past years. The increase in request for services from non-English speaking persons has raised the need for interpreters. Hope House relies heavily on State funding.
Health Departments:
Bonnie Konkel and Cindy Bodendein explained the upcoming changes for 2008. They are working with COA to provide better services for elderly. Home Care nurses are using laptops now to track records, streamlining those processes. Foot clinics bring in 150 persons per month. Telehealth is a program that will put equipment into homes to check weight, blood pressure, and other necessary measurements. This equipment will report the information through a website and help to reduce the need for home visits. The funding for Bioterrorism has been cut in half, declining further in the future.
Land Conservation and Farm:
Joe Van Berkel presented the 2008 budget request noting no significant changes to the department. Land Conservation is requesting the replacement of one vehicle. Van Berkel discussed the changes expected with various grants. The DNR has offered to do a dam break study for the County if the County shares with them the land information that is gathered during the project. Van Berkel stressed to the committee his concerns about storm water management and construction site erosion programs not being handled properly in the County. He believes that the County should set an example of how to do things in an ecologically friendly manner. Van Berkel pointed out that the County farm could also be used as an example of the proper way to handle a farming operation.
Pat Carignan explained the 2008 Treasurer's department budget. Interest revenue is expected to be up for 2008.
MIS and Mapping:
Steve Pate discussed the trend with his department's budget over the past few years. Discussion followed as to why it is usually beneficial to have a staff person in house who can handle the maintenance issues with hardware and software programs.
Recess until 1:00 PM.
Planning and Zoning, Baraboo Range and Board of Adjustment:
Mark Steward explained that 25% of a planner's salary was shifted from the Baraboo Range budget to the P&Z budget to more appropriately account for where his time will be spent with completion of the County's comprehensive plan. Money is being requested for a new vehicle. There are funds still available for purchases of development rights. The County Board approved an increase to some fees and those increases are included in this budget. Baraboo Range is self funded. Krueger expressed his concern over the fact that salary was moved from one fund to another without going through the Personnel Committee for approval.
Fair Board:
Ann Stone, Treasurer and Scott Zirzow, Vice President. Last year there was an addition to the pavilion and a major electrical upgrade. Requesting appropriation for another $20,000.
UW-Baraboo/Sauk County:
Carolyn Davis presented the UW-Baraboo/Sauk County budget. Their appropriation will be used for general upkeep of the grounds and buildings. They are hoping to upgrade their science labs in the near future. $100,000 is being requested for those upgrades and remodeling which would be paid for half by the County and half by the City of Baraboo.
Clerk of Courts:
Vicki Meister and Terri Radke presented the 2008 budget. Requesting the reinstatement of a position that was lost in 2004. This person would help to continue full scanning of all documents, maintain the document center and pursue more aggressive collection efforts. Tax levy request is actually down because they are planning to start working with a collection agency and they are expecting a 20% increase in collections. 90% of the revenue from restitution will now be reflected in the DA's budget. The cost for remodeling the document center and offices is estimated at $68,500 with funds included in the capital projects budget. Suggestion was made to look into the amount of time currently being spent on issuing passports and consider using that time for other things to avoid having to add a new position. Kriegl requested that everyone review the possibility of moving the court system to the law enforcement center before spending more money on the current courthouse building. Discussion followed regarding citizens who are getting citations for not appearing in court because they are in jail. Members of the Sheriff's department along with the Clerk of Courts staff agreed that if a citizen is in the jail and needs to be in court, it is that person's responsibility to notify the jail staff of their court time and then the jail staff would see to it that they appear in court at their appointed time. Schauf discussed the reasoning behind the change of restitution revenue from the Clerk of Courts department to the DA's department.
Sheriff, Jail Assessment and Drug Seizures:
2007 budget was held at a 0% increase. That was accomplished by pushing off capital expenses. For 2008, they need to catch up so the increase is significant. Sheriff Stammen reviewed some of the upcoming changes for 2008. Stammen noted that Huber inmate fees are projected to be lower in 2008 based on current Huber inmates. Kriegl noted that the inmates who may be placed here by the State will not be Huber eligible. Kriegl believed the current open unit is not being rented to its highest ability. Stammen countered that the budget was developed conservatively to avoid shortfalls. Kriegl believed that the inmates coming from the State will require more isolation beds available, but Captain Hafemann stated that any State inmate needing segregation will be sent back to the State facility. Hafemann pointed out that the court has to assign Huber rights upon sentencing. The majority of the inmates in Pod B are individuals who have not yet been sentenced. Once they are sentenced, they will either go to the Huber center or prison or back to Pod B if the court refuses them Huber rights. Stammen reiterated that this budget is based on the current inmate breakdown. Stammen reminded everyone that even though the staff makes opportunities available, not all inmates want to work. At the recommendation of the oversight committee, Stammen presented a budget based on Pod A being open. Fordham expressed her appreciation of the fact that the Sheriff's department budget was based on conservative revenues. The Sheriff's budget does not reflect all of the County's expenses related to the opening of the unit; other expenses are recorded in Building Services and Personnel. Fordham stated that the main point is that opening Pod A is going to have a positive effect on the County levy. Kriegl reminded the committee of other expenses he felt are still missing from the analysis. Kriegl and Krueger discussed the option of running Pod A as an enterprise fund to be reviewed each year for its profitability. Fordham reminded everyone that she would support shutting Pod A back down if it turns out to be costing the County money. Projected staffing includes 14.5 positions for opening Pod A. Additional positions projected for 2009 and 2010 are for patrolmen and have nothing to do with the jail.
Motion by Kreuger, second by Wenzel to adjorn until 8:15 AM on Wednesday. Motion carried.