DATE: March 13, 2007
MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Endres, Joan Fordham, Al Dippel, Judith Stoeckmann, Linda Borleske, Scott Alexander
ABSENT: Lowell Haugen
OTHERS PRESENT: Kathy Schauf, Marty Krueger, Bill Orth, Sue Bodendein
Meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m. by Joan Fordham. Open meeting law requirements were met.
Motion by Endres, second by Alexander, to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
Minutes will be approved at the next meeting.
No public Comment.
No Communication.
Functional group is working on job descriptions for the ADRC.
Long-term care redesign had no update.
Item #6 regarding goals will be deleted from future agenda's.
Commission on Aging will be looking at Form 1- programs and the scope of services regarding ADRC's. Goal is to keep them informed of the information this committee has compiled.
Governance structure is to split ADRC into two four county regions. We would be with Juneau, Richland and Crawford counties. Each two groups would have their own governing structure. We need to work on how we structure internally including the Commission on Aging, new ADRC and other new aging programs.
We are where we should be regarding the timeline and task list.
Would like the Board of Trustees to make their recommendations regarding the new facility.
Next meeting date is March 27, at 6:00 p.m. or immediately after the possible joint meeting.
Motion by Borleske, second by Endres to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Al Dippel, Secretary, Continuum of Care Planning Committee