Health Care Center Committee Board of Trustees

DATE: February 1, 2007

PRESENT: Arthur Carlson, Linda Borleske, Paul Endres, Larry Schroeder, William Higgins

ABSENT: Henry Netzinger, Terri Langer

OTHERS PRESENT: Michelle Koehler, Joan Fordham, Kathy Schauf, Marty Krueger, Elizabeth Miller

  1. Called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
  2. Motion by Borleske, second by Schroeder to adopt the amended agenda.
    Motion carried.
  3. Motion by Borleske, second by Carlson to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.
  4. Public Comment. None
  5. Communications - None
  6. Discussion of Benefit Club Foundation. Liz Miller briefly summarized the history of the organization, and mentioned some items that have been given to the HCC in the past. The leases for the busses were discussed. Schauf will follow up. Fundraising dates were also requested. West will follow up with Miller later. Schauf indicated that a Memorandum of Understanding regarding dealings between the Benefit Club and the Health Care Center has been sent to the Foundation Board for consideration. Asked that Miller contact West directly with issues as they come up. Foundation was thanked for their past fund raising efforts.
  7. Approval of a resolution commending Wanda Terry for years of service.

    Motion by Carlson, second by Borleske to approve the Resolution commending Wanda Terry for 27 years of service to the Sauk County Health Care Center.
    Motion carried.

  8. Approval of a resolution commending Emily Schroeder for years of service.

    Motion by Borleske, second by Schroeder to approve the Resolution commending Emily Schroeder for 31 years of service to the Sauk County Health Care Center.
    Motion carried.

  9. Consideration of a citizen member to serve with the Continuum of Care Planning Committee on Architect selection. Schauf indicated that a citizen member from the Board of Trustees would be helpful for the Cont. of Care Committee in making their decision regarding architect selection.

    Motion by Borleske, second by Carlson to approve the appointment of Larry Schroeder to serve on the architect selection committee.
    Motion carried.

  10. Chairman Krueger discussed the roles and responsibilities between the Board of Trustees and Cont. of Care Planning Committees as things move forward. We want to assure open communication and discussion. Joan Fordham, Chairperson of the Cont. of Care Planning Committee indicated that the focus of that committee has been gaps in services not which services to provide. Are looking to the architect to help with service selection as well as the building process. Eventually it will be turned over to a "building" committee typically 5 - 7 members appointed by the Board Chairman. Carlson asked that 2 members of the Board of Trustees be appointed to that committee. Further discussion followed.
  11. WIPFLi analysis. West presented a summary of major changes which were presented in the study. Board thanked him for the concise report. For the next meeting will prioritize items for the committee. Borleske especially appreciated the input which is being solicited from managers. Krueger felt the full board would appreciate input into the progress being made regarding the report.
  12. No donations for the month.
  13. Superintendent's report. West discussed the survey indicating that the plans of correction have been verbally accepted by the state and progress continues in making the necessary changes. The Maintenance Department has been able to make most of the changes with minor costs. The Supplemental Payment Program was applied for and money was awarded. Our Medicaid rates were recently received. Census is at 103 today. Our Bed-hold policy has been updated and because of our decrease in licensed beds and full occupancy we can now charge for bed-holds. A contract was signed with the County Nursing Department to allow our OT Department to work with that department on a limited basis. Participated in the architect selection process.
  14. Personnel report. Koehler reviewed the status of job vacancies and employee recruitment activities that have occurred over the past month. Endres discussed whether or not Koehler needed to be present for this meeting and if the report could be given by the Administrator. Was decided that Koehler will not be present on a regular basis but that a written report will be provided.
  15. Business office report. The written reports were handed out. The Aged Trial Balance report was discussed and Thompson would like direction on dealing with possible write-offs. Board will review.
    Motion by Carlson, second by Higgins to approve the vouchers in the amount of $103,046.32.
    Motion carried.
  16. Update from the continuum of Care Planning Committee. Fordham indicated that the group toured a third nursing home and the next meeting is scheduled for the 13th. Will have an architectural services recommendation for the full board for the February meeting. If this committee has any questions or concerns for the Continuum of Care Planning Committee, please ask. Regarding the vote on architectural services for the February Board meeting, Krueger indicated that a letter was sent to the full Board asking them to move forward with this process and felt they have been kept up to date with information on the process and progress with monthly updates from the Continuum of Care Planning committee.
  17. Next meeting will be March 1, 2007 at 5:00 p.m.
    Motion by Higgins, second by Carlson to adjourn.
    Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Paul Endres, Chairperson