Land Conservation Committee

DATE: July 12, 2007

Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:05 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Lehman, Wiese, Borleske, Cassity, and Prem from the Committee; Livingston-Forester; Van Berkel, Pohle, and Albrecht-LCD; Bertjens-Southwest Badger RC&D. Zowin was absent.

Adopt agenda: Motion by Borleske/Cassity to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.

Adopt minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Cassity/Borleske to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on June 14. Motion carried, all in favor.

Public comment: There was none.

Communications :

A. Thursday Notes - The LCC received the June 28 Thursday Note at their residences.

Legislative updates: Van Berkel noted that it is going to be a very interesting state budget process. There are two very different budget packages by the two political parties. The proposal to include money for the construction of a sediment trap on Mirror Lake is included in the proposed budget.

Cassity thanked Van Berkel for arranging the presentation by Geotran Consultant Mike Noel for the Town of Excelsior on groundwater monitoring results at the Sauk County Landfill.

Cassity requested a countywide map showing the drinking water results. Van Berkel will try to compile this. The LCC recommended a report on this at a future Towns Association meeting.


A. Southwest Badger Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Council update-Bertjens: Bertjens presented an overview of his position, the RC&D, and their current projects. The May Badger Report newsletter and a Driftless Area Initiative pamphlet were distributed to the LCC. Bertjens noted that Angie Wright is available to help with trail projects. Van Berkel suggested there is an old bike trail map from 1976 that could be updated and that promotion of a water trail along the Baraboo River may be appropriate.

B. Forestry Report-Livingston anticipates that gypsy moths will have some significant impacts here including Devil's Lake State Park and Rocky Arbor State Park. There were two spray blocks in Devil's Lake State Park this year, and that will be expanded next year. The southwest portion of Sauk County is being targeted for the "slow the spread." He reinforced that the foresters are available to provide assistance to landowners.

The Wisconsin Woodlands Association statewide meeting will be held at Ho-Chunk this year with approximately 300-500 landowners attending.

C. Land Conservation Department report-Van Berkel updated the LCC on the Clean Sweep program. The department display at the fair is featuring Clean Sweep.

Van Berkel reported on recruitment of an ag advisory committee for development of the LWRM Plan, animal waste ordinance revisions, nonpoint rule implementation policy, livestock siting rules, and Purchase of Development Rights. There were two articles in the Conservation Chronicle asking for comments or volunteers. Only one response was received.

Pohle reported on the Southern Area Association Tour held in Dodge County.

Pohle presented Amy Speich's pictures taken at the Youth Conservation Camp.

Training events: Motion by Cassity/Borleske to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.

Review and approval of vouchers: Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Borleske/Cassity to approve bills in the amount of $15,192.22. Motion carried, all in favor.

Appointment of Meegan Thompson to Southwest Badger RC&D: Deferred action to the next LCC meeting to allow Thompson to attend.

Update on 2007 transect survey: Albrecht reported that each spring Stanek and himself do a countywide roadside survey of 685 field points to inventory soil erosion levels. The same fields have been surveyed for the past nine years. Overall average annual soil loss has improved. The rate of 3.2 tons per acre per year is good, but it could be better. Albrecht believes the trend will be toward more no-till, higher residue, buffer strips, and contour buffer strips. At some point we will need to change some of our "points" because the fields are becoming housing.

Discussion regarding farmland management at Health Care Center (HCC): Albrecht evaluated the needs on the farm property. Cropland is being well managed but there is some pasture fencing that may need replacement. Livingston will evaluate wooded lands. The lease ends after 2008 and the LCC will need to determine what changes may be appropriate for the next three year rent cycle. Van Berkel reported there may be some interest in use of the facility and lands as an agricultural research center.

Discussion regarding Bailey CREP agreement and Northern Natural Gas easement: The Bailey's are considering putting land into a CREP agreement and restoring the wetlands on a parcel that contains a natural gas line easement. Committee discussed the proposed wetland restoration and how it might impact this easement. They determined the CREP agreement is feasible because the occasional need for maintenance of the line would not have a significant impact upon the restoration and would not outweigh the benefits of enrollment. Motion by Borleske/Cassity to send a letter to Northern Natural Gas regarding this determination. Motion carried, all in favor.

2008 preliminary budget review: Van Berkel noted the LCD will have a $34,000 increase in salary and fringes and will incur the loss of several grants making the 2008 budget challenging. The Department has taken on added responsibilities in HCC farm management, recycling and hazardous waste management, invasive species control, and dam rehabilitation. LCC recommended that Van Berkel present a budget that meets the needs.

Approval of teacher scholarship recipient - Dana Westedt: Pohle informed the LCC that the workshop approved for Chasity Gabrielson to attend was cancelled so no scholarship was needed. Dana Westedt from Reedsburg had inquired about the teacher scholarship after the deadline. Pohle requested approval to use this scholarship for Westedt to attend a wetlands course at Trees for Tomorrow. Motion by Borleske/Cassity to approve Dana Westedt's scholarship with a maximum of $250. Motion approved, all in favor. The LCC recommended that if possible the teacher scholarship recipients do a short presentation at a future LCC meeting or prepare a report.

Review and approval of Farmland Preservation Agreement - Marlan and LaVera Craker: Motion by Cassity/Borleske to approve a 25-year contract with Marlan and LaVera Craker. Motion carried, all in favor.

Motion to adjourn until August 23 at 9:00 a.m. by Borleske/Cassity at 12:05 p.m. Motion carried, all in favor.

________________________________ Kathy Zowin, Secretary