DATE: August 23, 2007 UW-Extension ETN West Square Building
Meeting called to order by Vice Chair Lehman at 9:00 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Lehman, Borleske, and Prem from the Committee; Van Berkel, Pohle, and Stewart-LCD; and teacher scholarship winners Mordini and Westedt. Cassity and Wiese were absent.
Adopt agenda: Motion by Zowin/Borleske to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Adopt minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Borleske/Zowin to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on July 12. Motion carried, all in favor.
Public comment: There was none.
Communications :
A. Thursday Note - The LCC received the August 16 Thursday Notes at their residences.
B. Bill from GeoTrans, Inc. for their presentation at the Excelsior town meeting regarding groundwater monitoring at the landfill.
C. Notice from DNR that due to budget cutbacks, the Deer Donation Program is not going to be able to process deer to provide venison for food pantries in the CWD zone.
D. Copy of a Door County resolution opposing the policy of removal of all ash trees within a half mile of any invasion of the Emerald Ash Borer.
E. Notice of the Southern Area Association meeting to be held October 25.
Legislative updates: Little progress has been made on the budget.
A. Teacher scholarship recipients-Westedt and Mordini presented on their experiences with their workshops/classes and how they will apply what they learned to their curriculum.
B. Livestock Siting Law-Van Berkel updated Committee on recent issues in Vernon County regarding a large livestock facility being proposed and the Sauk County citizen reaction to a new, proposed hog facility in Town of Washington. Adoption of these standards is an issue the Committee will have to deal with in the near future.
C. Youth Camp Scholarship recipient Darin Krumenauer's camp pictures were shared with the LCC.
D. Van Berkel noted the timeline and other circumstances in relation to Randy Roecker's animal waste storage facility permit and installation inspection process.
E. FSA-The governor has declared Sauk County a disaster area due to recent flooding. At this time it is not been federally designated.
Training events: Motion by Zowin/Borlerske to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.
Review and approval of vouchers: Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve bills in the amount of $10,559.22. Motion carried, all in favor. There was discussion regarding public access on the agricultural land that is being rented at the Health Care Center. The woods is not rented out and is available for hunting. When reviewing the contracts in the future, the LCC will need to address the question of public access to the rented land.
Appointment of Meegan Thompson to Southwest Badger RC&D: The item was deferred to a future LCC meeting to allow Thompson to be present. Lehman will provide her the September RC&D meeting agenda with the understanding she will not be paid per diem for attendance.
Motion by Borleske/Zowin to approve Wiese's attendance at the September 7 Southwest Badger RC&D meeting in Lancaster. Motion carried, all in favor.
Review and approval of 2008 budget proposal: Van Berkel presented the 2008 budget proposal. The proposal results in an 11.1 percent increase in the levy request, a $53,742 increase. This includes a replacement vehicle budgeted in capital outlay for $24,000. Without a vehicle, the increase would be 6.2 percent in levy or $29,742, an amount that is below the increase in salary and fringe benefit cost. This is possible due to an increase in grants secured through the initiative of department staff. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the budget as proposed. Motion carried, all in favor.
Van Berkel noted that the Department responsibilities: conservation, recycling, and protection of natural resources scored very high on the on-line county priority surveys.
Review of draft Land and Water Resource Management (LWRM) Plan: Van Berkel noted that the LCD is developing this as a ten-year plan strategic plan rather than just developing a plan to meet the minimum state planning requirements. The plan is easily transferable into the county budget. Jen Stewart, as part of her graduate school degree, is taking the lead in working with the Advisory Committee, survey results, and partners, as well as in the writing of the document.
Stewart distributed the timeline and draft Goals and Objectives. A public hearing will be held in October. The hearing input will be incorporated and the draft brought back to the Committee for approval before presenting it to the Land & Water Board for their review in December. The Sauk County Board will then need to approve the final plan. The Committee recommended that staff keep a record of how many requests for assistance are received by the department, how long it takes to get to the request and instances where staff cannot service the request because of the lack of time. No action was required at this time.
Plan for technology tour of Land Conservation Department: Van Berkel noted that within the next few months he would like to take some meeting time to show members the way the staff use the advanced technology provided by the Committee and County Board to better serve customers. Committee said they would consider staying in an afternoon but preferred fitting the tour in with a shorter agenda.
Review and approval of Farmland Preservation Agreements - William & Patricia Schmitz and Whippoorwill Springs Farm Limited Partnership: Van Berkel noted that both applicants have been in the Farmland Preservation Program before. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve William & Patricia Schmitz for a 25-year agreement and Whippoorwill Springs Farm for a 10-year agreement. Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion to adjourn until September 27 at 9:00 a.m. by Borleske/Prem at 12:15 p.m. Motion carried, all in favor.
Kathy Zowin, Secretary