DATE: November 14, 2007
Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 7:01 p.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Lehman, Wiese, Cassity, and Prem from the Committee; Van Berkel, Pohle, and Stewart-LCD. Zowin and Borleske were absent. From the public: Galen Alwin, William Bergman, Wayne Bindl, Luella Cassity, Joel Gaalswyk, Alan Green, Katie Green, Connie Lehman, Barbara Morford, Gary Nolden, Frank Piraino, Edward Prem, Mary Prem, Mike Wehler.
Adopt agenda: Motion by Lehman/Cassity to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Adopt minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Cassity/Lehman to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting and public hearing on October 22. Motion carried, all in favor. Upon questioning by Committee, Van Berkel informed them that Stewart's attendance for the Mexico training was turned down by the Personnel Committee, and it was not taken to the Executive & Legislative Committee. Stewart will attend but be required to use personal time. The Personnel Committee based their decision on a past precedent where a Human Services employee had an opportunity to go Japan, and they had turned down that request. Van Berkel emphasized the benefits of this training and the need for the county to update policy to allow personnel to benefit from opportunities like this in the future.
Public comment not related to the public hearing: There were none.
Review and approval of vouchers: Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Cassity/Prem to approve 2007 and 2008 bills in the amount of $14,455.37. Motion carried, all in favor. Committee noted HCC rental is due from Martin, and Van Berkel will follow up on this. (Payment was received but not deposited into account by Health Care Center.)
Review and approval of training events: Motion by Lehman/Cassity to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion by Lehman/Cassity to approve Wiese's attendance at the Southwest Badger RC&D Annual Meeting on December 14 in Richland Center. Motion carried, all in favor.
Legislative updates: Van Berkel briefed the Committee on funding of conservation items in the state budget.
Communications : One Thursday Note and Southwest Badger RC&D Report were received by the Committee members in their home mail. Two written comments were received regarding the Land and Water Resource Management (LWRM) Plan that will be offered during the public hearing.
Reports: There were no advisors present. Van Berkel highlighted a few of the activities on the LCC Monthly Report and noted there is a lot of construction going on.
Consider policy to require all Gypsy Moth spray block requests be coordinated through municipality for payment: Van Berkel stated that no action is required at this meeting, but as Gypsy Moths move into the county, the LCC will need to determine how we can make the program work. There are severe outbreaks in the three state parks in the county and near the lakeshore west of Merrimac in the Grandview Lane area. The LCD acts as County Coordinator for the DNR Suppression Program. In this role, the county is responsible for coordinating the spray blocks and payment for spraying. Van Berkel is checking with other counties on how they are handling it and will bring information to a future meeting.
Summary on Clean Sweep and consider future: Van Berkel presented the summary that he had also presented to the Executive & Legislative Committee. During the two-day event there were over 850 participants and over 75 volunteers assisting at the event. Options for future events are being investigated including more frequent events and rotating the event throughout the county.
Presentation on development of the Land and Water Resource Management Plan: Stewart presented a summary of the LWRM Plan.
Public hearing on draft Land and Water Resource Management Plan:
Presented testimony:
Connie Lehman
Gary Nolden
Katie Green
William Bergman
Alan Green
Frank Piraino
Joel Gaalsywk
Mike Wehler
Barbara Morford
Written comments were received from:
Gigi LaBudde
Terry Lohr, DNR
Concerns were heard regarding: the state requirements for nutrient management plans, duplication of authorities or the efforts of DNR and UWEX, a specific site problem from cattle access to water, and the lack of a clear connection between problems and goals. Support was voiced for the extent of plan, the initiatives to protect ground and surface water quality, increased monitoring of resources, the invasive species emphasis, and efforts to help agriculture survive and grow in Sauk County.
Discussion regarding testimony on draft plan: Committee reviewed comments and decided no changes would be required before submission to the Land and Water Conservation Board but that a better connection between the problems and goals should be written before presenting the Plan to the County Board.
Motion to adjourn until December 13 at 9:30 a.m. by Lehman/Cassity at 9:32 p.m. Motion carried, all in favor.
Kathy Zowin, Secretary