Law Enforcement Committee

DATE: November 13, 2007

The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on Tuesday, November 13, 2007, at 9:30 A.M., in room D102A-Community Room, 1300 Lange Court, Baraboo, Wisconsin.

The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.

Members Present: Stevens, Sinklair, Wheeler, Montgomery

Members Absent:

Members Excused: Tollaksen

Others Present: R. Stammen, B. Hinze, M. Hafemann, K. Fults, R. Meister,

W. Schneider, B. Manning

1. Call To Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law : The meeting was called to order and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was certified by Chair Donald Stevens at 9:30 AM.

2. Agenda : Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Sinklair, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

3 . Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting) : Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Wheeler, to approve the minutes of the regular Law Enforcement Committee meeting held on Tuesday, October 9, 2007, and the special meeting held on Friday, October 12, 2007. Motion carried.

4. Communications : Sheriff Stammen gave the committee copies of a letter from Rick Raemisch of the Department of Corrections confirming their interest in a contract with Sauk County for jail bed space.

The second communication concerned a request from Deputy Scott Dadam to retire Boris, the K9 Deputy for Sauk County. Boris is suffering health problems due to his age that keep him from performing his duties safely and effectively. Boris' retirement was effective November 1 and he will continue to live with Deputy Dadam until such time as his condition requires euthanasia. The search for a new K9 deputy has been discussed.

Sauk County was notified that they have been given a grant to purchase 25 mobile radios with grant funds.

5. Public Comment :

There was no public comment.

6. Appearances :

There were no appearances

7. Sauk County Animal Shelter Operations Update

Shelter Director Wendy Schneider reported a continuing influx of cats, both adults and kittens, and also that several small dogs have come in. Veterinary students and staff from Dane County will be coming to the shelter to spend an entire day doing feline spaying.

There were 8 bite cases in October, 2007.

8. Review and Approval of October, 2007, Bills for Coroner and Sheriff's Department : The Coroner's bills included charges for several autopsies.

Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Sinklair, to approve payment of the October, 2007, bills for the Coroner in the amount of $5,161.74. Motion carried.

The Sheriff's Department's bills were reviewed and discussed. Several expenses were related to two major investigations done in October, one a search warrant and evidence seizure pursuant to a drug grow operation and the other a search for a missing person from Buffalo Grove, Illinois.

Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Wheeler, to approve payment of the Sheriff's Department's October, 2007, expenses in the amount of $117,594.32. Motion carried.

9 . Sheriff's Report :

a) Jail Report

The monthly report on programs offered in the jail and participation in the programs was passed out by Captain Hafemann, along with a document from Attic Correctional with some projected programs for 2008.

The booking offense report was also handed out .

There were 230 boarding days in October for electronic monitoring inmates. Three inmates were removed from the program, all for alcohol related violations.

The October expense for lease of the electronic monitoring equipment was $ 1,266 and the collections were $3,910, leaving a balance of $2,644.

Dane County was billed $114,619 for housing and $319.40 for medical expenses. The year to date collection for housing inmates for other jurisdictions is $945,538.62.

b) Communication Center

The committee received a report generated by the Communication Center Supervisor showing a break down of the calls for service for the month of October. There were 5,004 calls for service.

c) Field Services Report

There were 3 Triple III reports in October, one for a back strain caused when a deputy was helping to remove a person from a vehicle that had crashed, a back strain caused when a deputy fell while doing a search for a missing person, and damage to a squad parked in the Law Enforcement Center parking lot. A deer ran into the lot, jumped over two other parked squads and landed on the hood of Sergeant James Hodges' parked vehicle. The damage to the hood was under $1,000.

As of today's date, there have been 15 traffic fatalities in Sauk County in 2007.

d) Administration Report

There were a 1,137.83 hours of overtime incurred in October, both paid and compensatory time accrued. There were 110 hours of overtime paid to supervisors for major investigations, ERT training and a call-out and 8.5 hours worked to prevent order-in of a union person.

Steven Johnson, a jailor, resigned.

Detective Stacy McClure was appointed Juvenile Detective

Detective Scott Dadam was appointed as a Drug Detective

Detective Chris Zunker was appointed to the service of Civil Process.

Deputy Joel Vodak was temporarily assigned to the Detective Division.

Deputy Isaac Hanson was promoted from the Security Division to the Patrol Division.

Garrett Matthews will start work on November 26th as a jailor.

Cody Kowalke has been hired, effective November 12th, as a jailor.

Deputy Derek Marshall was reassigned from Patrol, back to the Security Division.

10. Adjourn To Date Specified: The next regular meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, December 11, 2007, at 9:30 AM.

Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Sinklair, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.


Robert Sinklair, Secretary