The MIS Committee meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 11, 2007 by Vice Chairperson Netzinger
Members present: Huffaker, Sinklair, and Netzinger.
Others Present: S. Pate
Pate requested that the agenda item #9 be moved to #5.
Motion to adopt agenda by Sinklair, seconded by Huffaker.
Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.
Motion to adopt minutes from previous monthly meeting by
Sinklair, seconded by Huffaker. Agreed on by committee.
Netzinger notified the committee that the Health Care Center Superintendent, Ken West, is looking into possible replacements for their current system, Melyx. Pate advised the committee that he had been contacted by West and that the MIS department will assist with this process as needed.
Pate advised the committee that he had nothing new to report
Pate advised the committee that participation from departments was very good and that regular meeting notice postings to the web were at or near 100%. Netzinger pointed out that many of the committee minutes are not being posted to the Unapproved Minutes Mailbox and that some that are cannot be opened as they are not in HTML format. Pate will follow up with department heads. Discussion followed.
Pate asked the committee for input on the 2008 priorities for the department. He suggested that the focus of the budget should be on maintaining and better utilizing the County's existing systems. The committee concurred, discussion followed.
Pate explained that the redesign process was still in the planning stages and that he would like input from the committee, and other county board supervisors regarding any content they believe should be incorporated. Netzinger suggested that services provided through the Department of Human Services and other such services should be a focus in the redesign process. Huffaker agreed and pointed out that many of the services available from departments like the UW Extension are not well represented currently on the website. Sinklair indicated that Los Angles County had a very user friendly website and that the department might consider looking there for ideas. Netzinger suggested that committee members do some research on other government websites in order to provide additional input at the next meeting.
Motion to approve vouchers by Huffaker, seconded
by Sinklair. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried
Agenda items for next mtg. - Updates on critical information handling, web postings, and website redesign process.
Next meeting scheduled for May 9, 2007, at 4:00p.m.
Motion to adjourn by Sinklair, seconded by Huffaker. Agreed on by committee. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted: Marcy Huffaker, Secretary Date