Management Information Systems Committee

DATE: December 12, 2007

The MIS Committee meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 12, 2007 by Chairperson Stoeckmann. Marty Krueger was present along with Gaalswyk and Stoeckmann to make a quorum. Krueger wanted it noted that he would be a voting member. Huffaker joined the meeting at 4:20pm.

Members present: Gaalswyk, Huffaker, Krueger, and Stoeckmann.

Others Present: Pate,

Motion to adopt agenda by Gaalswyk, seconded by Krueger. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried.

Motion to adopt minutes by Gaalswyk, seconded by Stoeckmann. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried.

Communications - None.

Update on Critical Information Handling - Working on changing web page.

Update on Web Posting Issues - No issues, Depts. Are participating.

Update on Fiber Optic - City of Reedsburg is connected to loop and will be providing internet connectivity by the end of the year. It will be 10x faster than current connectivity.

Resolution for HCC Software - Received 2 replies from RFP's. HCC saw 2 demos - Resolution to purchase ECS from American Data - they are the leader in the state for nursing homes. Stoeckmann wanted info. On what nursing homes are currently using the software. Pate gave her the info. Discussion followed. Motion to approve resolution by Gaalswyk, seconded by Huffaker. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried.

Discussion of Security Assessment - 2 vendors that Pate has been dealing with. Pate would like to do business with Inacom at a cost of $7,000.00. Does not require committee action because cost is under $10,000.00.

Resolution for Email Archive Software - IBM Solution - integrates into Lotus Notes. Berbee, a State Contract Vendor, provided a quote of $23,400, if purchased before end of year it is $20,147. $5-10,000.00 to set up. Motion to approve resolution by Gaalswyk, seconded by Huffaker. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried.

Review of VK recommendations - Pate handed out spreadsheet created by Schauf to be used by all depts. for Committee to review. Discussion followed.

MIS Dept. Update:

Previous Months Activities: