Sauk County Library Board

DATE: Wednesday, February 7, 2007 (Draft)

  1. Members present: Ken Grant, Chair; Beverly Vaillancourt, Vice Chair; Joan Wheeler, Secretary; Sue Meise; Cynthia Shanks; Robert Wills
  2. Others present: Raina Roloff, North Freedom; Jennifer Endres, Prairie du Sac; Richard MacDonald, Baraboo; Meg Allen, Baraboo; Norma LeMoine, Rock Springs; Carol Anderson, Spring Green; Sue Ann Mobley, Reedsburg; Sue Steiner, Reedsburg; Peggy Heidenreich, Sauk City; Cathy Borck, Wisconsin Dells; Cheryl Becker, SCLS; David Doering, LaValle; Becky Blinston, LaValle; Margaret McDermott, LaValle
  3. The meeting was called to order at 1:39 PM. Compliance with the Open Meetings Law was confirmed. A motion was made by Sue Meise, seconded by Cindy Shanks, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
  4. A motion was made by Beverly Vaillancourt, seconded by Sue Meise, to approve the minutes from the November 29, 2006 meeting. Motion carried.
  5. Chair’s Report: Ken Grant summarized the following communications:
  6. Technology Subcommittee Report: Sue Meise reported the subcommittee recommendation about how to divide the $15,000 technology funding: A motion was made by Joan Wheeler, seconded by Cindy Shanks, to accept the subcommittee’s recommendation.
    Motion carried.
  7. Librarians’ Report: Meg Allen reported on the highlights of the November 29, 2006 and February 7, 2007 meetings, including:
  8. Election of Officers

    Chair—A motion was made by Beverly Vaillancourt, seconded by Cindy Shanks, to nominate Ken Grant for Chair. A motion was made by Sue Meise, seconded by Beverly Vaillancourt, that nominations be closed, and that Ken Grant be elected Chair.
    Motion carried.

    Vice Chair—A motion was made by Ken Grant, seconded by Sue Meise, to nominate Beverly Vaillancourt for Vice Chair. A motion was made by Ken Grant, seconded by Sue Meise, that nominations be closed, and that Beverly Vaillancourt be elected Vice Chair.
    Motion carried.

    Secretary—A motion was made by Ken Grant, seconded by Bob Wills, to nominate Joan Wheeler for Secretary. A motion was made by Beverly Vaillancourt, seconded by Sue Meise, that nominations be closed, and that Joan Wheeler be elected Secretary.
    Motion carried.

  9. Statement of System Effectiveness

    Cheryl Becker, SCLS, compiled a list of services SCLS provides for Sauk County. This list was used to help Board members determine whether SCLS has provided effective leadership and assistance to the Sauk County Library Board. A motion was made by Sue Meise, seconded by Beverly Vaillancourt, to give a positive response on the evaluation form.
    Motion carried.

  10. Payments to Adjacent Counties under Act 420

    Cheryl Becker presented a letter that may be used to explain to County Boards the background and requirements of Act 420. She suggested that the Sauk County Library Board might want to relay the letter to the Sauk County Board. Cheryl also suggested that Ken Grant might want to meet with County Board officials and Accounting personnel to explain how payments must be made from Sauk County to libraries in neighboring counties. Ken will contact Kathy Schauf to let her know a subcommittee of the Library Board (Ken, Beverly Vaillancourt, Sue Meise) will be examining Act 420 implications, and will discuss these further with her in the near future.

  11. Review of the by-laws

    A motion was made by Sue Meise, seconded by Beverly Vaillancourt, to postpone this review until the May meeting. Motion carried.

  12. Sauk County Library Board and Sauk County libraries information on the County Website

    Meg Allen contacted Sauk County MIS department about establishing a Library presence on the website. Information can include board membership and contact information, long range plan, mission statement, and information about and links to individual libraries.

  13. Next meeting and adjournment:

    The next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 9 at 1:30 PM at the Kraemer Library and Community Center in Plain.

    A motion was made by Bob Wills, seconded by Sue Meise, to adjourn.
    Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM.