- Members present: Ken Grant, Chair; Beverly Vaillancourt, Vice Chair;
Joan Wheeler, Secretary; Sue Meise; Cynthia Shanks; Robert
- Others present: Sue Ann Mobley, Reedsburg; Sue Steiner, Reedsburg;
Cathy Borck, Wisconsin Dells; Cheryl Becker, SCLS; David
Doering, LaValle; Carol Anderson, Spring Green; Maureen Palmer, Plain;
Norma Jean LeMoine, Rock Springs; Meg Allen, Baraboo; Jennifer Endres,
Prairie du Sac; Peggy Heidenreich, Sauk City; Raina Roloff, North Freedom;
Richard MacDonald, Baraboo
- The meeting was called to order at 1:31 PM. Compliance with the
Open Meetings Law was confirmed. Joan Wheeler made a motion,
seconded by Sue Meise, to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
- Sue Meise made a motion, seconded by Joan Wheeler, to approve the
minutes from the February 7, 2007 meeting.
Motion carried.
- Chair’s Report: Ken Grant
- Ken received reports from some of the Sauk County libraries.
These were forwarded to Meg Allen for filing.
- Two budget subcommittee meetings were held – on April
19 and May 5 – and discussion of these will be
deferred until the discussion of Item #7, 2008 Budget.
- Ken called Administrative Coordinator Kathy Schauf
to let her know the Sauk County Library Board is investigating
the implications of Act 420 and will address it in
our budget presentation. He also called her on another
occasion to ask if the County has specified a limit on
the percent increase for budget requests. Her response
was that no limit has been specified. Committees should
submit their budgets for examination.
- Ken invited Joan Wheeler to convey to librarians a
request from the Commission on Aging for libraries to
recruit volunteers who would be willing to be trained
by the Commission in navigating the Medicare Part D plan
review website, and then assist library patrons on library
computers in printing out a list of plans which would
best serve the patrons, given their prescription drug
needs. Any interested libraries should contact Trish
Vandre at the Commission on Aging.
- Librarians’ Report: Meg Allen
- The librarians met on this date and received a report
from Cheryl Becker about SCLS, including:
- The Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, May 11 at
Devil’s Lake State Park.
- The System Celebration will be held September 20 at Sweet
Sophie’s in Waunakee.
- The state budget looks positive for library funding.
- The online Readers’ Advisory service is active.
- LSTA funds were released in March and will be used
for a technology training session.
- Act 420 and the 2008 budget were discussed.
- Sauk County is conducting a budget survey, and asking
for input from all departments. This information was
distributed to all librarians.
- Input for the libraries’ page(s) on the County
website is requested.
- Selection of Sauk County Trustee of the Year
Sue Meise spoke in support
of Sauk County’s only nominee – Don
Greenwood – who serves on the Spring Green Library Board, and has
been a strong advocate for libraries. Beverly Vaillancourt
made a motion, seconded by Sue Meise, to approve the selection of Don Greenwood
as Sauk County’s Trustee of the Year. Motion carried.
- 2008 Budget
- As stated above, the budget subcommittee met twice to
discuss the budget.
- Cheryl Becker distributed documents regarding increases
in circulation for Sauk County libraries.
Beverly Vaillancourt reported that members of the Sauk
County Finance Committee are expecting a tight budget
for 2008, and intend to hold all departments to 0%
increase in tax levy funding.
- Ken Grant asked librarians to give the budget subcommittee
statistics for the numbers of patrons using computers,
participating in programs, etc. to serve as outcome
- Ken also asked librarians for efficiency measures,
such as how circulating materials within smaller
geographic areas saves fuel in transporting them between
- Beverly Vaillancourt asked librarians if it would be
possible to survey their rural patrons about the
importance of the library in their lives.
- Ken will organize the data for the budget presentation.
- Payments to Adjacent Counties (under Act 420)
The process by which statements
from libraries in adjacent counties will be received by
the County Clerk, and forwarded to and paid by SCLS was discussed.
Cheryl Becker explained that all statements from libraries are due
to the County Clerk by July 1, 2007. Cheryl advised that after that
date we should ask Kathy Schauf, Administrative Coordinator, for
the final total of payment requests received, in order to have a
firm figure for use in our 2008 budget request.
- Left-Over Cross-Border Funds
Cheryl Becker reported that the 2007 budget
allocated $1.00/circulation for reimbursing adjacent counties’ libraries
for service to Sauk County’s rural residents. In the past, payments
were not made to libraries in counties that did not reciprocate in cross-border
reimbursements. These funds were then left over, and have been recently
used to sponsor a performer for children at the Sauk County Fair. This
year, $1,607.00 is left. Cheryl suggested that one option for how to use
it could be to help defray the expected $25,500.00 due to libraries in
adjacent counties under Act 420. Ken Grant said that decision should be
postponed until after July, when the statements from other counties’ libraries
have been received.
- Review of By-laws
The Board began to review Articles I-V of the by-laws. Ken
Grant will examine Chapter 43 of the State statutes for further information
about powers and duties of the Board, and the order of business at
Board meetings. Further review of the by-laws will be continued at
the next Board meeting.
- Next meeting and adjournment
The next meeting will be on Monday,
July 9, 2007 at 9:00 AM at the Sauk City Library.
Robert Wills made a motion, seconded by Sue Meise, to adjourn.
Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 2:55 PM.