DATE: Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Bev Vaillancourt thanked Sue Steiner for her part in the library budget presentation.
Joan Wheeler made a motion, seconded by Cynthia Shanks, to adopt the 2008 Sauk County Library Board budget as printed. Motion carried.
Beverly Vaillancourt’s term expires 12/31/07. She expressed willingness to be reappointed to another term. Ken Grant will notify the County Board Chair of her willingness to serve another term.
Beverly Vaillancourt relayed a request by Sauk County Administrative Coordinator Kathy Schauf that the Sauk County Library Board adopt the budget preparation format used by County departments, including use of the “Form 1” and objective performance measures. A packet of sample performance measures used in city and county government was distributed to give Board members and librarians an idea of the types of information desired by the County. Discussion followed about the measurement areas that fall under the purview of the County Library Board (rural usage), and options for collecting data that would not pose too great a burden on library staff. Sue Meise volunteered to organize the collection of librarians’ ideas for a county-wide set of performance measures. Joan Wheeler volunteered to provide librarians with copies of sample Forms 1 and assist Sue where needed. The subject will be further discussed at the February 2008 meeting.
Beverly Vaillancourt suggested that the Sauk County Library Board consider augmenting the current availability of books and possible literacy/education assistance to inmates of the jail in order to help reduce recidivism. Several librarians reported that they regularly deliver donated paperbacks to the Sauk County Jail. Cheryl Becker reported that Columbia and Dane Counties have library involvement in their jails. Richard MacDonald described some of his experience with library service in a county jail in Minnesota. He pointed out that this does not necessarily mean “a library in a jail,” but could include circulation to jail inmates via requests channeled through jail staff. Ken Grant, Bev Vaillancourt and Richard MacDonald will meet with a representative of the Sheriff’s Department to discuss options.
Ken Grant, noting his uncertainty about certain Sauk County Library practices upon first being elected to Chair, suggested that an “orientation program” about various aspects of operation would be useful for any Board members. As a starting point, he suggested that the Board could learn about Delivery Service through SCLS. It was noted that the SCLS Delivery Facility is open for Board and librarian meetings. Ken will try to arrange this with SCLS Delivery staff for the February 2008 meeting, including a tour of the facility.
This review was continued from the May 9, 2007 Board meeting, at which the Board reviewed Articles I through V. Ken Grant offered a revision in the order of business in Article V Section 4 to more closely follow current practice, including:
Bob Wills made a motion, seconded by Tom Benson, to accept the revised order of business. Joan Wheeler made a motion to amend the previous motion, seconded by Bev Vaillancourt, to add “(itemized)” after Unfinished business and New business in order to ensure compliance with the Open Meetings Law. Motion to amend carried. Previous motion carried.
The next meeting will be in February 2008. Ken Grant will notify the Board and librarians if a mutually agreeable date and time has been arranged to meet at the SCLS Delivery Facility. Tom Benson made a motion, seconded by Bob Wills, to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 1:35 PM.