DATE: December 10, 2007
Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Larry Volz, Al Dippel, Kathy Zowin, Charlie Montgomery
Others Present: Timothy Stieve, Carl Gruber, Cynthia Engelhardt, Ann Burton, Pat Carignan, Marty Krueger, Wendy Schneider, Tim Damos of Baraboo News Republic
1. Meeting called to order by Hartje at 8:00 a.m. Certification of Compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
2. Adopt Agenda: Motion by Dippel, second by Volz to approve agenda . Carried .
3. Adopt draft minutes of October 2007 meeting: Motion by Montgomery, second by Dippel. Carried .
4. Public comment - no public comment
5. Communications -
A. Correspondence from citizen regarding religious display on Courthouse square.
Motion by Hartje, second by Volz to leave the Nativity scene on the Courthouse square.
Carried .
6. Business Items
A. Treasurer's Report - Resolution presented to sell tax deeded properties. Motion by Volz, second by Zowin to approve the Resolution and take this to the County Board. Carried .
B. Discussion of Dellwood property. Hartje said it's time we just sell these. Ann Burton wants to schedule a meeting, sometime after the 1st of the year, involving all parties, including one Property member, Corp Counsel and Planning & Zoning. Motion by Montgomery, second by Volz to go ahead and schedule a joint meeting. Carried .
7. Departmental Updates - Risk Management (Carl Gruber)
A. Monthly Report was given.
b. Review and approve deductibles - Motion by Zowin, second by Volz to approve deductibles of $500.00. Carried .
8. Departmental Updates - Buildings & Safety (Tim Stieve)
A. Monthly Report was given.
Stieve handed out a sheet with year-to-date hours spent at the Landfill and also kilowatts sold to Alliant Energy. He mentioned there is a problem with the new skid.
The cutover to the new voice mail system will take place this afternoon, after work hours.
Communications issue - we are looking at some different options at the Highway and Stieve said Phil Raab has been working on using a directional antenna, which would save money and solve the problem. Phil Raab stopped in and handed out a sheet with the parts needed, along with the costs, for the Courthouse tower repair.
Tim Stieve showed the schematics designs to date but noted these will be changed, this is
merely an update with a final to be handed out at the Board meeting on the 18th of this month. Marty noted that schematics will be handed out at the board meeting and although some may
complain that they did not receive them sooner it would be impossible as the schematic design process is still in progress with another meeting scheduled for all day on the 18th. T. Stieve
said one other issue that will also be addressed at the County Board is to what level we will go
for LEED Certification on this facility.
B. Discussion of Sauk County Animal Shelter - Wendy Schneider, Humane Society indicated
that they would like to add onto the facility, such addition would be paid for strictly through
donations. Wendy reported that the number of animals keeps increasing, so the need to
expand their building has become necessary, which would allow for additional quarantine
areas. Tim Stieve pointed out the issue of the ownership and approvals from the Village as just a few of the items. Wendy advised she has an estimate of $100 per square foot for the
addition. The Committee advised Schneider she could keep working on this but needs to keep
the committee advised and work with Tim. Motion by Dippel, second by Zowin to go
ahead with the research on this so that a final decision can be made. Carried .
C. Review and approval of Vouchers - Motion by Volz, second by Dippel to approve vouchers totaling $100,747.71. Carried .
9. Next Meeting: January 7, 2008.
10. Motion by Zowin, second by Dippel to adjourn meeting. Carried .
Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt