Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee Minutes

DATE: October 9, 2007

Committee Members Present: Ashford, Gaalswyk, and Sprecher.

Committee Members Absent: Wiese and Lehman.

Others Present: Mark Steward, Gina Templin, Steve Pate, Brent Bailey and others.

Gaalswyk called the meeting to order and compliance with the open meetings law was noted.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to adopt the agenda with items 10d and e moved up to proceed departmental report.
Motion carried, 3-0.

Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashord for adopt the minutes of the September 25, 2007 committee meeting.
Motion carried 3-0.

No public comment.

Communications: Gaalsywk spoke of a letter he had received from Kraemer regarding communications from the Planning & Zoning Department about a possible violation for having a cabin without a state approved septic system. He also asked for an update on the Hemmersbach court appeal. Steward advised him that those were both situations that Steve Sorenson was handling and suggested speaking to him for an update.

Business items: Committee discussed Chapter 22 ordinance revision and the denial of the change that took place that the previous meeting. Steward explained the reasoning behind the original request and the discrepancy in the surveys being completed. He also asked the committee what the remnant should be considered as and spoke of the possibility to revisit the issue at a further date and possibly request a deed restriction on these remnant parcels until a survey has been completed. The committee discussed and signed the petition 14-2007 denying the amendment to Chapter 22.

The committee then discussed and signed Petition 11-2007 approving the rezoning of property to single family in the Town of Excelsior.

Steve Pate then appeared and provided a departmental report for the Mapping Department and spoke of the survey scanning process and ability to provide copies via the internet. He also spoke of map guide training that was attended by staff, parcel updates, GPS units that were purchased for Planning & Zoning and the final settlement with Ayres for the ortho-photography. He also discussed problems with the Positron coordinates and cell phone tracking issues for the Sheriff’s Dept.

Ashford asked how much time is spent on mapping duties versus the mis department of the job. Pate stated about 15% of his time unless there is an issue taking place.

Pate then provided vouchers for August, September and the specific voucher for Ayres. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve the report and all 3 vouchers. Motion carried 3-0.

Pate then spoke of an incident where a surveyor came in and took photos of surveys with a camera phone and talked to the committee about duplication of records and what would be allowed. Ashford suggested talking to the historical society. Brent Bailey appeared and commented about the requirements in the Register of Deeds office on duplication in their office. Committee believes that not only are staff responsible for sharing the records and providing information to the public, but also preserving and maintaining the records. They suggested that Pate work on a policy and bring back to review with committee for the proper means of duplicating records for public use.

Bailey then reappeared and provided the committee with a department update for the Register of Deeds Department. He spoke of staffing issues and the volume of documents coming in, as well as state budget issues. He also spoke of Assembly Bill 496. He then presented vouchers for the department in the amount of $3789.34. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher, to approve the vouchers.
Motion carried 3-0.

Surveyor did not appear to present department report or vouchers.

Mark Steward then appeared for the Planning and Zoning Department and presented the Dennis and Eugene Murray plat. Mark Carlson appeared and explained the project and the plat. The committee discussed the change in the map showing a solid line to accurately split lot 1 and 2. Steward explained that this is an example of the correct way to show lots of less than 40 acres in size. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford, to approve the plat for Murray with the addition of the solid line separating Lot1 and 2.
Motion carried 3-0.

The committee then discussed the Danny & Gayle York plat. Steward presented to the committee for review and explained the division taking place and the existing certified survey map that exists already. Carlson, representing the owners, also explained the background of the property and the reasoning for the plat. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve the York plat as presented.
Motion carried 3-0.

Steward then presented the department report and provided the committee with information on the Planning Commission workshop to be held in October and November, sponsored by UW Extension, in conjunction with the Columbia and Sauk County Planning & Zoning Departments. He then discussed the October 24th PUD meeting with realtors, surveyors and developers, the Regional Planning conference, the WCCA, and WLIA conference that office staff will be attending in the coming month.

The committee then discussed the November 13th committee meeting and possibly meeting at 4:00 or 4:30 because County board is that evening. If agenda items are light and not needed to be acted on, possibly not having a meeting that day at all. The Committee and Steward agreed that a 4:00 or 4:30 meeting would be fine if a meeting was necessary.

Steward then discussed the comprehensive planning grant and the county comprehensive plan and the need to have the plan be for the county from the county, and not a plan that specifically comes from Planning and Zoning. He also spoke of identifying key stakeholders and that group of people being appointed by the committee and the county board. Ashford suggested using the same format from the 20/20 meetings the group of stakeholders that represented certain interests would fit well for this.

The committee was then updated on the Spring Green rezoning issue and the meeting that took place between Town officials, their attorney and the Planning & Zoning staff. Steward mentioned that the town is going to challenge the petition that was submitted to the county clerks office. He also advised them of upcoming meetings with the Corporation Counsel and the town information meetings about the rezone on November 6th.

The committee then discussed the Non-Metallic Mining and Floodplain ordinances and how the changes came about for each ordinance, as well as the state and FEMA requirements for the changes. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher, to approve the Chaper 9, Floodplain Zoning Ordinance, as presented.
Motion carried 3-0.

Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford, to approve Chapter 24, Nonmetallic Mining Ordinance, as presented.
Motion carried 3-0.

The committee then appointed Norma Jean Lemoine to the Natural Beauty Council.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn.
Motion carried 3-0.

Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary